Need iPad music App (iOS 7) that displays song lengths in playlist view
September 30, 2013 1:34 PM   Subscribe

I need a basic iOS 7 music app for iPad 2 which will display the song lengths in playlist view mode.

I mostly use my iPad 2 to run my weekly radio online show. I create 3 playlists, each about 54 minutes which allows for ~6 mins of talk each hour. I pause between songs, to give the weather, community events, etc.

The problem is that I often need to look at the iPad Music app to see how much time in music I have left in a playlist; and make decisions on whether I have time for all the songs I chose, or if I need to skip some, or even add some depending on how chatty I have been. The iOS 7 version of Music no long displays the song times, just the song title, artist and album. It displays song lengths in artist and album modes, but not playlist.

Is there a way to change what information is displayed? I am less interested in the album name than I am the song length.

I am open to suggestions for other apps, IF they show the song lengths. I have tried many other music apps and none that I have found work for the way I work, and most do not display the song lengths either. I have tried Groove, PartyMonster, Traktor DJ, DJ Player, Wireless DJ, Engine, Bongiovi DPS, Audiophile and a few others. The latest one I tried, Audyssey, will show the song lengths, but it only displays in portrait mode, FFS!

I need music player app suggestions and not DJ apps, which normally only show 1 or 2 songs.

posted by terrapin to Computers & Internet (1 answer total)
Response by poster: I received my auto-reply asking me to return to this because it has received no "answers." So I am back to report that I still have this issue and would welcome advice via MeMail. Thanks.
posted by terrapin at 1:08 PM on October 31, 2013

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