Best sing-along version of the Star Spangled Banner?
June 23, 2013 1:50 PM   Subscribe

I need to provide a recorded version (audio only) of The Star Spangled Banner for a bunch of patriotic middle-aged to elderly women to sing-along with at the opening ceremonies of a convention. Can anyone point me to a good version that isn't just an instrumental and isn't too showy? Whitney Houston's is probably way beyond the average vocal range for this group.
posted by JJtheJetPlane to Media & Arts (2 answers total)
If your local library subscribes to American Song there are several audio-only versions of The Star Spangled Banner there.
posted by jabes at 3:21 PM on June 23, 2013

free instrumental
another free instrumental
motherlode of instrumentals
I *think* the US Military bands are copyright-free for playing in public. This page has links to lots of US Army choruses, and to The US Army Band with chorus singing the National Anthem in a reasonable key.

Someone I knew (and had a huge crush on, which he was seriously charming about) joined the Navy and they had the good sense to put him in the Navy Chorus. sigh nice memory.
posted by theora55 at 9:11 AM on June 24, 2013

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