Funny Autodesk Maya t-shirt needed
October 18, 2012 9:38 PM   Subscribe

Autodesk Maya users who wear t-shirts: I need your help finding a Maya in-joke t-shirt.

My son, a computer graphic artist, saw and immediately coveted a t-shirt with a joke on it that only users of Autodesk Maya would get. I would love to surprise him with this t-shirt, but can't remember the joke (because I don't understand anything about Maya) and searching through pages of geek/computer/tech/nerd/programmer t-shirts hasn't helped. Does this ring a bell with anyone?
posted by angiep to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (7 answers total)
A full joke or a catchphrase?

- Are you looking at my money?
- Maybe I am Bingo!
posted by tilde at 4:09 AM on October 19, 2012

Or: My Nurbs bring all the splines to the yard.
posted by tilde at 4:10 AM on October 19, 2012 [2 favorites]

Maybe it would be easier to find the shirt?
Any of these? This one? These?
posted by barnacles at 4:47 AM on October 19, 2012

Response by poster: Yes, I wanted to find the shirt, not create one of my own. Thanks for the suggestions, though!
posted by angiep at 7:43 AM on October 19, 2012

I've got a shirt that simply says "FK it."

I received this shirt as free swag at the annual computer graphics convention, Siggraph, several years ago.

Unfortunately, I suspect that even if you figure out what exactly the shirt was, it's going to be very difficult for you to acquire. Most Maya-related Tshirts I've seen, comical or not, have been created for swag purposes and handed out at conventions, like the shirt I have.

But I wanted to mentioned "Siggraph" as it could help you in your search at least! I recommend tossing it in some of your google searches.
posted by Squee at 8:09 AM on October 19, 2012 [1 favorite]

If it was from Maya, you might actually talk to the company. Might have some left. I tried that a few years ago when I wanted to replace the cool Mars shirt I got from Siggraph 98. No luck for me but I waited too long (and shoulda bought TWO).
posted by tilde at 10:56 AM on October 19, 2012

Response by poster: Finally found the shirt, by asking the kid in question. It can't be a surprise, but here's the link in case there are other folks who would like nerdy t-shirts.

Maya t-shirt
posted by angiep at 1:07 PM on October 26, 2012

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