Where can I find music classes?
October 11, 2012 2:09 PM   Subscribe

I live in Brooklyn and want to take classes on electronic music composition.

I've been exploring the many classes offered in NYC for the creative minded. What I really would like is to take classes on electronic music composition. Specifically, I would like to learn to do something like this:


I've looked at the courses offered by places such as 3rd Ward and the Brooklyn Brainery but am not seeing what I'm looking for. I'm sure there has to be someplace that does this. Any suggestions?
posted by prunes to Media & Arts (4 answers total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
This isn't a direct answer to your question, but this question I previously asked has some more general advice that could get you pointed in the right direction as to which classes to take.
posted by griphus at 2:26 PM on October 11, 2012

Brooklyn College has a whole electronic music minor, if you're into the formal classes thing.
And, very indirectly related are the free music recording classes at Guitar Center on Saturdays.
posted by lhude sing cuccu at 8:31 PM on October 11, 2012

Try Harvestworks. They have a variety of digital media classes and excellent teachers and visiting artists.
posted by i_wear_boots at 12:19 AM on October 12, 2012

posted by thatgirld at 12:57 PM on October 12, 2012

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