How do you babysit a ferret?
April 8, 2012 8:58 AM   Subscribe

I'm a (reluctant) ferret sitter. HELP!

A friend/neighbor is out of town for the next week. The ferret's name is Bart. She had someone who was going to stay at her place and watch the ferret, but that fell through, so now I've got the priveldge.

I've got a cat. He terrorizes the cat. Neighbor thinks the cat enjoys it, I think the cat is annoyed. Nonetheless I had Bart over last night for him to 'play' with my cat and I. I also went over and played with him (as best I could) three times yesterday. Let him out of his cage, gave him full run of the apartment. He chased me, I chased him. I gave him treats when he did his roll over trick. I got toys from his 'hiding place' and let him 'steal' them back. Etc.

During the week, my *plan* is to go get him in the morning and let him play here during my morning routine, then take him back. After work I will bring him and a second cage over to my place since during the week I won't have time to go over there and play, but I figure here he can be out and about for a few minutes at a time (as the cat allows) and when he's not out at least he is around us and can listen to the tv and watch me work at the computer or whatever is going on. Then I will take him back to his 'home' cage when I go to bed.

When I'm playing with him, he will rub himself on the carpet and lay down. I can't tell if he's tired, or if he misses mom. I also haven't been able to get in touch with her to ask. I did leave a long "Bart Update #1" post on her facebook. Do you think it's normal? He seems ok when we first start playing.

What else should I be doing? Assume I know all pet basics (fresh clean water, food, clean cage, etc.) unless there's something ferret specific. Will this be 'enough' for him? Most everywhere I have read says they need to be out and about at least 3 hours a day. Yesterday and Today I can hit and exceed that mark, but during the week it's going to be a struggle.

And actually, I think I'm going to bring the cage over today. Give the cat some time to get used to it being here before there's something in it.

So what "more" can I do here? Is there anything "wrong" I am doing? I know I would make a poor ferret owner, but I want to make the experience as good for him in this temporary situation as possible. I wish I had a 'playpen' like contraption that I could set up to confine him to specific areas in the house/kitchen and leave him out the whole time he was over here, but I don't and don't have the money to go out and buy one.

(Oh and yes, when he is over here I close all the doors to all the rooms and keep an eye on what he is investigating/playing with and the cat usually finds a window sill since the ferret can somehow manage to climb all of the cat's other high spots)
posted by one4themoment to Pets & Animals (14 answers total)
Response by poster: Ferret in Question

Cat in Question
posted by one4themoment at 9:08 AM on April 8, 2012 [2 favorites]

Best answer: - So what "more" can I do here? Is there anything "wrong" I am doing?
- Yesterday and Today I can hit and exceed that mark, but during the week it's going to be a struggle.

I really think that you're doing everything you possibly can. You sound like an amazing pet sitter! While 3 hours everyday would be awesome I don't think the ferret will fall into incurable depression if he gets a little less while his owner is away.

Any chance you'd want to come to and take care of my menagerie while I'm on vacation? I'll pay you in gold and fly you out here first class.

Seriously though, you're doing an awesome job.
posted by OsoMeaty at 9:12 AM on April 8, 2012 [11 favorites]

Yes, sounds like you are doing great. I think he might be just laying down because he is a bit confused about being in a new place and away from his home.
posted by Vaike at 9:23 AM on April 8, 2012

You're doing just fine. Rubbing along the carpet is standard operating procedure for ferrets.
posted by crankylex at 9:32 AM on April 8, 2012

I agree, the ferret sounds more than fine. You would in no way make make a poor ferret owner!

They tend to have short periods of frenetic activity followed by long periods of just lying around so I wouldn't worry about the carpet thing.
posted by Requiax at 10:35 AM on April 8, 2012

Best answer: 2nding what Requiax says about the activity/rest periods. My parents kept ferrets for several years, and they would go nuts for about 4 hours with the resident Siamese cat, then crash for about a 2-3 hour nap and go back at it all over again. The cat got a break, the ferrets got a nap and everyone was happy. Ferrets love to "hide" things (usually under the couch or bed - somewhere only accessible to ferrets)...this is especially fun if the items are "found" or "stolen" from a purse or bag. My parent's ferrets would routinely raid my purse and school bag for pens, erasers, make up items, etc. to carry off to their treasure cave.

Also, they like raisins and soap. We discovered this when my stepmom was bathing them in the bathroom tub (also a fun activity for you and the ferrets). The ferrets were happy swimming around the tub and licking the soap used to bathe them. Raisins are a treat they will most likely love.

You sound like an awesome pet sitter, in any case. Have fun with these litte guys, they're truly entertaining.
posted by Cookbooks and Chaos at 1:55 PM on April 8, 2012

Yep, don't worry that you can't quite give three hours every day for playtime. If she would have had to board the little carpet shark, it'd be lucky to get a half hour. just do what you can and the little fert will be fine. When we had one, we weren't always able to let her out for that much time, but she was OK when we couldn't.

As for the raisins - I don't recommend them. I don't know how raisins affect ferrets, but I do know they are very bad news for cats. You don't want your cat eating raisins that the ferret dropped.
posted by azpenguin at 4:06 PM on April 8, 2012

Judging from a simple web search, a lot of people don't think that raisins are suitable for ferrets or that they should be given in very limited portions. I'd ask a vet and since you're only in charge temporarily, it's probably just easier to skip the raisins.
posted by stuart_s at 5:20 PM on April 8, 2012

Best answer: 20-year ferret owner here. You are doing an amazing job. Your friend owes you big time. Of you were looking after my ferrets like that., you would get an expensive bottle of single malt at the very least.

Ferrets are emotional and they do miss their owners. Nothing to be done about that. But the play and conk out thing is normal. I also wouldn't stress about the three hours thing. If you are really able to directly interact even an hour a day, that is a lot. Meanwhile play with your cat is like ferret heaven. We have a cranky cat, but I wouldn't assume it's annoying for the cat. There are a lt of cat behaviors that seem annoyed but aren't really. Out cat "hates" being picked up, but yet will immediately come back to be picked up again. Protest. Down. Back. Up again. Protest. Repeat.
posted by slkinsey at 5:50 PM on April 8, 2012

Response by poster: Thanks for the input everyone. I made two more trips over there today so far and everything seems ok. Scooped his litter, cleaned his cage out some, we played, etc. I am willing to grudingly accept that the cat may actually enjoy the attention, but will keep an eye on their interactions tomorrow morning.

So far so good. Think I'll be able to make it until Friday. I guess the part that makes me most nervous is that not only is this someone elses animal... but it's foreign (to me). If I pet sit a cat, I know what to do. I know what dangers to look for. Etc. This is new territory for me.

Also, I think I'm going to head to a pet store tomorrow and search for their clearance section. Try to pick up some of the little bell'd cat balls that he can 'steal' while he's here.
posted by one4themoment at 6:02 PM on April 8, 2012

Seems to me you're a great ferret sitter.

Only one question--have the cat and ferret been together frequently prior to this pet sit gig to the point you feel entirely comfortable allowing them in the same room together? I would think a cat's owner would know the cat better than anyone else, and if you feel your cat is annoyed, perhaps it would be better to make sure they aren't in contact till the ferret's owner comes back. All it would take was a cranky swipe of a paw and an accidental claw in the eye to cause a real problem.

I'm always overcautious with pet sitting other people's animals, but I never want to have to explain a possible bad outcome.
posted by BlueHorse at 9:00 PM on April 8, 2012

Any chance you can bring the right cage over to your place for the whole time? This back and forth business 3x a day sounds a bit nuts and unreasonable.

You're doing a great job, seriously. Pet watching can be really nerve-wracking because the little guys always miss their people and routines, and we don't know their signals.

Your friend owes you big time!
posted by barnone at 10:04 PM on April 8, 2012

One note - don't give raisins (or any sweet treats) to the ferret. The sugar is very bad for them and raisins in particular can lead to intestinal blockages.

Otherwise, it sounds like you're doing a very good job! The flattening-on-the-carpet thing is pretty normal behavior for ferrets, though I've never seen a definitive explanation for what it means (I usually assume they want attention).
posted by missix at 9:43 AM on April 9, 2012

Response by poster: That's a great question BlueHorse and yes, Dayton and Bart have had 'play dates' before and I agree that I can read my cat better than most. I've had birds here where Dayton at first was curious/hunting and after the novelty wore off he was fine (I've got pictures of him laying there eyes closed while the birds were less than a foot away). With the ferret (with all of his energy) I get the distinct impression that Dayton goes into "I don't want to hurt you, but please stay away from me" mode. And like I tell anyone who visits my apartment, this is HIS place as much as it's mine.

Barnone, it's not too bad her apartment is right next door. Otherwise I would agree with you. Plus her/his smell is all over that apartment, which I think he may find comforting.

Missix, after everyone's comments about raisins I never did pick any up. Will stick with his regular treats and his (to me disgusting) vitamin goo. :)
posted by one4themoment at 5:17 PM on April 9, 2012

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