Help me to efficiently and accurately search for a piece of cord!
March 19, 2012 7:59 PM   Subscribe

My favorite ratty old coat is away at the tailor being freshened up. I need to order some replacement parts to give the man who's fixing my beloved outerwear, but I don't know what to call these parts when I'm googling for shopping options. I need help efficiently and accurately searching for a piece of cord with which to re-affix the fasteners to my coat.

Here is my coat. Here is a closer shot. See the cords that are holding the clips and d-rings to the front of my coat? I need to order replacement cord but don't know how to find it. What do people who sew call this kind of connective cord material?

It's braided and sort of nautical-looking. It's sewn in under the leather triangles and then looped around to hold on the clips and d-rings. Unfortunately I don't have any more pictures, as the coat is already in the custody of the tailor.
posted by treefort to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (4 answers total)
Does it have to be those d-rings/clips? Gloverall sells horn and wood toggles for their toggle coats.
posted by cazoo at 8:05 PM on March 19, 2012

Is it like this "conso cord"?
posted by amanda at 8:14 PM on March 19, 2012

Best answer: It's just boring old cotton cording. Available at any sewing store. If not in regular notions it'll be in upholstery. I find it odd that the tailor doesn't have some in stock, even more so that he isn't finding it for you.
posted by Carlotta Bananas at 8:32 PM on March 19, 2012 [5 favorites]

Response by poster: Thanks for your help and suggestions, everybody! In defense of the tailor, his usual area of practice is suits. Toggles and conso cord are good options and would both work just fine, but are not entirely what I'm looking for. Plain old cotton cording seems like exactly the thing.

Coat: saved!
posted by treefort at 9:04 AM on March 20, 2012

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