March 12, 2012 9:06 PM   Subscribe

Long shot- can you piece together what death metal(?) album this is based on details I remember of the album cover??

I remember seeing this in my older brother's room, mid 90's...I remember a bleak scene, with a brown mountain, maybe dripping in some places? Some sort of creepy eye motif...maybe some beastly creatures around? Sorry for the vagueness...any pointers in the right direction would be great!
posted by assasinatdbeauty to Media & Arts (6 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I remember a bleak scene, with a brown mountain, maybe dripping in some places? Some sort of creepy eye motif...maybe some beastly creatures around?

Yeah, this is basically every death metal album ever released. I was thinking it sounded like a Grave album, and it does indeed describe 90% of their albums, but many of them would be release after your date criterion, with the possible exception of Into the Grave. Luckily, the date you give is sort of early in the death metal scene, so I think it could eliminate a lot of possibilities.

Arise from 1991 by Sepultura might fit, and they had a pretty big following in the States (their name means "grave" in Portuguese).

Maybe Reign in Blood by Slayer?
posted by LionIndex at 9:25 PM on March 12, 2012

Symbolic, by Death?
posted by Riton at 9:46 PM on March 12, 2012

Best answer: It really does sound like it could be Sepultura - Arise (the eye/brown mountain thing sounds right). Beneath the Remains had a similar motif, too. Also agreed that it could be those Death or Obituary albums; all of these were everywhere in the mid 90s.

Other possibilities:
Cryptopsy - Blasphemy Made Flesh
Asphyx - The Rack
Autopsy - Mental Funeral (maybe?)
posted by vorfeed at 12:31 AM on March 13, 2012

Not positive, but I'm 90% sure that that Obituary cover is from a paperback collection of Lovecraft stories.

Here we go: 1 and 2 and 3

Also, the first thing that popped into my head from your description was the Arise cover,
posted by Ducks or monkeys at 3:43 AM on March 13, 2012

Response by poster: Arise is it!!!! Thank you SO much! Lifelong dilemma....Solved!
posted by assasinatdbeauty at 9:32 AM on March 13, 2012

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