Can my dead Squeezebox 3 be saved?
December 28, 2011 6:32 PM   Subscribe

Can I fix my dead Squeezebox 3, or failing that, can I have some fun trying to fix it?

My beloved Squeezebox 3 has served me very well for years, but over the last few months it's taken to shutting off spontaneously in mid-song. A reboot always set things right again, until a few weeks ago, when I asked the box to play a track and it reacted by going into a coma. The standard Squeezebox troubleshooting methods (unplug-replug, factory reset using the remote, new power brick) have failed to elicit any sign of life; the only sign that the box is even receiving power is a feeble red glow from the optical out port. (It seems a lot dimmer than it was when the box was working, but that could be my imagination.)

Googling, I found a few people claiming that they had the same symptoms and fixed them by pulling out the wi-fi card; unfortunately that didn't help in my case. Logitech doesn't repair these anymore. I called a few local electronics repair shops and they're reluctant to take this on.

So it seems like it's up to me. I've got a cheap multimeter and soldering iron, but basically no diagnostic skills. The interior of the Squeezebox is essentially a single board; pictures of it
(with wi-fi card already removed) are here: front, side, side, side, back.

I'm wondering if there's anything obvious that I should try.
posted by em to Technology (3 answers total)
The logic board looks basically unrepairable without access to an electronics lab with an oscilloscope and a surface mount re-work station. If you can find another dead squeezebox, you might try swapping the daughter cards from one to the other motherboard.

From your symptoms, it sounds like it isn't booting. With schematics, and an oscilloscope, I would verify that the microprocessor(s) was getting correct power supply voltage and good reset and clock signals.
posted by monotreme at 7:12 PM on December 29, 2011

Response by poster: Thanks, monotreme! It's not inconceivable that I could get access to some proper equipment, in the fullness of time. I guess this is going to be a long-term project.

I did find a schematic. (It is not even clear to me, though, whether this is a schematic for the whole device or only for some part of it.)
posted by em at 8:30 AM on December 30, 2011

Good luck! Think of it as owning a 1960s Jaguar rather than a means of saving money and you'll do fine......
posted by monotreme at 11:26 PM on December 30, 2011

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