Lyrics are stumping me.
August 28, 2011 9:01 PM   Subscribe

Help me figure out what song belongs to these lyrics: "The day is come/What's done is done."

I've been searching for this song and can't find it despite a good hour on a couple "find songs by lyrics" sites. It is sung by a woman and I think it's from about 10 years ago (but, of course, could be more recent or much older...). It has a pretty clean vocal tone without much background music -- at least for the part of the song where these lyrics come, which I think is the beginning.

Here are some songs that have a similar tone: Celing Dion, "All By Myself"; Jewel, "Standing Still"; Pink, "I don't believe you"; Sheryl Crow, "The First Cut is the Deepest"; Christina Aguilera, "The Voice Within".
posted by DoubleLune to Media & Arts (5 answers total)
Couldn't possibly be "the day is done, gone the sun..." could it?
posted by pH Indicating Socks at 9:15 PM on August 28, 2011

Response by poster: No... it was definitely a female singer. Also, the melody drops during each line IIRC.
posted by DoubleLune at 9:20 PM on August 28, 2011

Could it be
"Hands of Time" by Rachel Diggs?

posted by Cheese Monster at 9:37 PM on August 28, 2011

Not Nick Drake's "Day is Done"? This was covered by Norah Jones.
posted by rongorongo at 2:12 AM on August 29, 2011

Response by poster: No neither, though Nora Jones has a similar vibe.
posted by DoubleLune at 11:33 AM on August 29, 2011

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