May 5, 2011 1:51 PM   Subscribe

Used Physician's Balance Beam Scale in NYC

I'm looking for a used physician's balance beam scale (going up to 350 lb.) in NYC, preferably Brooklyn. There has to be a source for such things, perhaps from retiring physicians, but my Google-Fu can't find one.

Amazon has them new for $155.51 (with shipping), but I'm sure a used one will be less -- around $100 if possible. It can be battered as long as it works.

posted by KRS to Health & Fitness (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Best answer: Craigslist?
posted by decathecting at 2:03 PM on May 5, 2011

Response by poster: Found one on Craigslist for $79. Bravo decathecting.
posted by KRS at 10:14 AM on May 11, 2011

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