Dress like an adult, in Houston
February 4, 2011 10:18 PM   Subscribe

Where to shop in order to dress like an adult, in Houston.

Following the general tenor of this AskMe from last summer, where might I -- a mid-thirties guy -- shop for these sorts of clothes (nice, not over-dressy; suitable for 'business casual' settings, but not 'corporate stiff'). I especially like small(er) shops, staffed by people who have a good eye, know what they're doing, are helpful and completely un-patronizing. In Houston, because I'll be there for a couple of weeks, and will have time to spare.
posted by bumpkin to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (6 answers total)
Try Brooks Brothers on W. Alabama across from the River Oaks Movie Theater.

I'd steer clear of their pastels unless you are rich and can pull it off without looking flamboyant.
posted by AndrewKemendo at 2:48 AM on February 5, 2011

I don't think the River Oaks Theatre is on W. Alabama and I don't think there's a Brooks Brothers across from it.

I looked up the three men's boutique stores I knew and they'd all closed! I've had good luck with the helpful service aspect of your question at Nordstrom's in the galleria. Go sometime other than a weekend.

Near the galleria is a clutch of upscale stores called Uptown Park. It's small enough that you can walk around. I suspect they'll have the service you're looking for, but it might also be quite expensive. But, if you have time to kill, you can get some great ideas and have a good snack while you're there.

Elsewhere in town you might try Harold's in the Heights or Norton Ditto on W. Alabama. Unfortunately, the small stores with the good service tend to stock pretty upscale items, but if you have the money to make an investment, you'll come out of there looking pretty good.
posted by *s at 6:30 AM on February 5, 2011

I second Harold's in the Heights. It definitely is not cheap, but you will walk out of there looking good. They have a sale room, which is where I usually do my damage.
posted by Buckshot at 8:17 AM on February 5, 2011

I don't think the River Oaks Theatre is on W. Alabama and I don't think there's a Brooks Brothers across from it.

You're right. It should be W. Gray. You know how that area is...
posted by AndrewKemendo at 5:15 PM on February 5, 2011

Late to the thread - but I just saw this story about the best independent menswear stores in America mentioning Mortar which looks like an interesting place with excellent personalized customer service. As a female I haven't been there myself, but it's a wonderful part of town with fun other places to explore.

Perhaps AndrewKemendo is thinking of JoS A. Bank which IS across from the River Oaks Movie Theater. It's a national chain but seems to have nice men's clothes. Another nice part of town with some other interesting places to explore.
A good friend has worked there for years and he dresses amazingly: stylishly grown up, with some fun when he can get away with it, always perfect for whatever occasion. His name is Bill if he's the one that helps you. I would ask him what places he shops at in Houston. Very personable awesome guy.

The article listed above also suggest Stag in Austin as "worth a road trip." But I would ask the people that help you at Mortar, Harold's and Bank what they recommend locally.
posted by dog food sugar at 5:00 AM on February 8, 2011

On closer re-read the writer of the article I mentioned above wrote a Houston specific one that lists the following stores:

-Mortar again,
-Hamilton Shirts family owned and operated since 1883.
-310 Rosemont near Jos A. Bank in the River Oaks Shopping Center.
posted by dog food sugar at 5:14 AM on February 8, 2011

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