Lady Tux Fashion
February 4, 2011 3:13 PM   Subscribe

Snappy but reasonably priced women's tux in Toronto?

I'm seeking a women's tuxedo a la Janelle Monae. Any ideas on where a girl might find such a thing in Toronto?

Advice on individual parts welcome: ie. get the suit here, the oversized bowtie there, shirt at such and such, the cumberbund here, etc.

I've got the shoes, and the moxy needed to sport these duds, but still need... everything else. Thank you!!
posted by crawfo to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (1 answer total)
hmmm ... j. crew has some women's tuxedo-inspired pieces right now, as well as actual tuxedos in boy's sizes which can sometimes work for ladies size 10 and under. i don't see one in toronto but there's one in niagra falls if you can get there. i would browse around their online store first then call the brick-n-mortar store to see if it would be worth the trip. good luck, you snappy dresser you!
posted by Rube R. Nekker at 7:36 PM on February 4, 2011

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