Looking for Outlook 2010 features on Outlook 2011 for mac.
December 8, 2010 11:55 AM   Subscribe

I've switched over to a MacBook Pro for work and Outlook 2011 is currently driving me batty. I'm used to Outlook 2010 for PC and am getting frustrated with some features that don't seem to be available. I'm looking for solutions to the following...

  1. My Day: I loved having a task list appear next to my Calendar in 2010, but apparently My Day is a stand-alone app that replaces it? Any way to merge it back into the Outlook 2011 Calendar?
  3. Adding Tasks to the Calendar: the reason I liked having a task list displayed in my Calendar was because I would drag tasks from the list and block out time on my schedule to get them done. Not only can I not seem to add Tasks to the Calendar, it doesn't look like I can set a time for them besides a due date. I really want a work-around for this, if possible.
  5. In Outlook 2010 you can adjust the Calendar's time scale; I think the default is 15mins but I changed it to 5mins. I can't find a way to change it in 2011; my appts don't always start at 15min intervals or aren't always 30mins or an hour long, and the only way to adjust the time is to actually open the appt and manually set the start/end time. I liked being able to drag-n-drop appt blocks to 1:10pm; instead, they'll sticky to 1:15pm, which is not what I want.
Thank you!
posted by lychee to Technology (1 answer total)
#1 (and maybe #2) - in Outlook choose View -> My Day
posted by fremen at 1:14 PM on December 8, 2010

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