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November 25, 2010 5:23 PM   Subscribe

[Yet Another Where Should I Move Question] I'm afraid that if I don't up and move from the town that I grew up in and have lived in for 23 years now, I never will. Snowflake details inside, but I am wondering: is it feasible, and where I should go?

Okay, so 23 year old female, currently living in upstate NY in my parents' house. I graduated college back in May 2009. I went to college in the Bronx, but have been in my hometown otherwise. I've lived in NY all my life - in fact, I'm living in the bedroom that I grew up in!

I feel stagnant and stuck, in my house, in my town, and in my job (can't stand my job, but that's another story). I've been applying to office, HR, and admin jobs (which is not necessarily what I want to do, but I'm unsure of what I do want to do (as you would probably see in previous questions of mine...), and I have a business degree so at the moment it's what I'm qualified for) in the area, but haven't had much luck. The few companies who've expressed interest in me are paying extremely low salaries - too low to live independently in this area.

Then we add this: I have often regretted not going farther away from home for school. I'd like to spend some time somewhere else. I feel that to truly become an adult and my own independent person, I need to get away from my family and high school friends. I love them dearly, but its a bit smothering and stifling.

So, yes, I am totally terrified of moving somewhere where I know no one and have no job prospects, but I'm also pretty jazzed about it. I also know myself - if I don't go soon (read, in the next year or so), I don't think I ever will. I will find a new job hear and just get comfortable and it will be all, eh, good enough, and then I'll be stuck forever.

I have about $9k saved. Is that enough to move somewhere without any job prospects? In this economy, it could take me months (god, years?) to find a job. I don't want to deplete my savings making ends meet if I can't find a job for some time. Is it worth it to try to move?

If this whole moving thing is a good idea, I'd like suggestions - if you'd be so kind!

Things I'm looking for:

-a city, medium to large sized
-some sort of arts scene (doesn't have to be big, but I really enjoy theatre and music)
-youngish people who like to do things besides just go to bars
-I'd prefer something warm-ish, or at least with milder winters than NY has
-decent job scene (if that exists right now)
-airport in the city or close to it (I do want to be able to fly home without too much difficulty for holidays and whatnot)
-would like to remain in the US

And that's it! I know it's not much to go off of, but I appreciate any thoughts or ideas. (I know it's not a super original question, but I couldn't find anything similar enough in my searching. If it's a duplicate, I'm sorry!)

[TLDR - I have $9k saved, no reason to stay in NY, but no job prospects or housing prospects anywhere else. Is that enough money to live while I find a job, and if so, where should I go?]
posted by firei to Travel & Transportation (49 answers total) 15 users marked this as a favorite
Austin, TX
posted by jchaw at 5:32 PM on November 25, 2010 [1 favorite]

You haven't considered Manhattan? Or even Brooklyn?

Manhattan definitely is a large city with an arts scene. You could try it out for a few months as sort of a test of your independence. It's not warm, but it also is a city where owning a car (and all the expense that come along with it) is not necessary.
posted by lovelygirl at 5:33 PM on November 25, 2010 [2 favorites]

New Orleans.
posted by tryniti at 5:34 PM on November 25, 2010 [2 favorites]

Brooklyn and Philadelphia cause they'd be familiar enough and close enough while being big enough to have a job base to find something, although i should mention Philadelphia is a bit worse off these days.
posted by The Whelk at 5:39 PM on November 25, 2010

For totally new, Savannah, New Orleans.
posted by The Whelk at 5:39 PM on November 25, 2010

Columbus, Ohio fits for everything but the weather. You might like Austin or Salt Lake City.
posted by SMPA at 5:41 PM on November 25, 2010

I have no idea where you should move.

But I think you *should* move. Living cheap, you have enough money to survive for 6 months, even after buying a plane ticket (unless you move to Manhattan or something). Regardless of the economy, you'll be able to find a job that pays enough to pay your rent in that time. Maybe not the perfect job, at least right away, but you'll find something.

But more importantly, THIS IS YOUR CHANCE. You're young, educated, have savings, and are unattached. You'll never have a better opportunity to throw everything you own into a suitcase and go.

Anecdotaly, the people I've known who've done what you're thinking of doing have ending up with much cooler lives than the ones who have worried about finding a good job first. Without the social safety net of your old friends, you'll force yourself to do things you wouldn't do otherwise. And without the financial safety net of your parents, you'll be much more motivated to find a job and support yourself.

And hell, if things don't work out, just leave yourself enough money for a greyhound ticket back to the parents' house. At least you gave it a shot, which is more than most people can say.

Good Luck!
posted by auto-correct at 5:53 PM on November 25, 2010 [13 favorites]

You could try Boston or Philly but I'm not seeing how those cities would be very different than NYC (and, at least with Boston, they won't be warmer). If you're looking for someplace really different, why not try a whole new part of the country?

Atlanta would be pretty different and certainly much warmer.

If you want to go even further, why not San Francisco?

I say pick someplace that sounds interesting and go.
posted by bluedaisy at 5:57 PM on November 25, 2010
posted by bhnyc at 6:03 PM on November 25, 2010

Best answer: You might consider Savannah. It was a beautiful sunny 80 degrees here today. There are lots of creative young people because of the art school and the colleges. Rents are cheap. Everyone I know who wants to work seems to find work.
posted by mareli at 6:09 PM on November 25, 2010

I can't advise you on where to live, but I can definitely advise that if you do this, you'll be much happier. I have been so, so much happier since my big move.

Honestly I should re-follow up on that question, too - we wound up in DC and actually, it passes your qualifications. Close to an airport, lower unemployment than the rest of the country, warmer climate than NY, full of young creative folks and from what I've experienced so far, a great little arts scene.
posted by theraflu at 6:16 PM on November 25, 2010

Do you have college friends that moved anywhere that sounds interesting? Just so you have someone to network with, or meet for drinks once in awhile, or bounce apartment locations off of? That would probably be a lot easier than going somewhere completely unknown with not even an acquaintance in town. If it's possible to chat a few old friends up, you might get some great ideas that way. But Boston's nice and pretty easy to break into socially at your age, if that's your thing.

I would absolutely do it if I was you. You have plenty of money, and even if the worst happened and you blew through it and had to slink home with your tail between your legs, you'd be in the same position as if you didn't leave at all. Take it from someone who is "stuck forever" - thankfully not in the same hometown, but in the metro-Boston area for my whole life. I do regret not going somewhere far away for college or before I settled down, but at least I got to visit a bunch of cities on vacation first.
posted by kpht at 6:22 PM on November 25, 2010

Austin and Savannah both seem fun. I know people who dig Athens, Georgia and people who are dying to get out of there and move to Austin or Savannah.

Chicago has everything you're looking for except the weather, and would be a much bigger change than Boston or Philadelphia.

San Francisco is an amazing place, but the job situation there looks pretty dire at the moment. Chapel Hill, North Carolina is probably the other option (that appealed to me at the same point in my life) that hasn't yet been mentioned.

Take it from someone who is "stuck forever" - thankfully not in the same hometown, but in the metro-Boston area for my whole life.

I hear you! I am having surgery next month in the hospital I was born in. I really love it here, but I wish I'd spent time living in a city farther away than New York.
posted by Sidhedevil at 6:29 PM on November 25, 2010

So, yeah, I am guessing that New York City doesn't actually feel as adventurous to you seeing as you've gone to college there and presumably it was The Big City of your childhood in upstate. I think listening to that makes sense, if that's what's going on in your mind.
posted by Sidhedevil at 6:30 PM on November 25, 2010

Raleigh, NC. Or anywhere in the Research Triangle Area, honestly. (I see someone mentioned Chapel Hill. Yep.)

Do it!!!!
posted by St. Alia of the Bunnies at 6:36 PM on November 25, 2010 [2 favorites]

Austin 'average' temps are currently 10 degrees higher than the 30-50 year 'average' that is so easy to google up. Upstater beware... I've seen more than a few Northerners never adapt to the heat and humidity of the South. Since you live in Upstate; you will notice the 'exhausting aspects of the I-35 and MoPac bottleneck designs of Austin's traffic flow. Traffic cams might be worth looking at to get an idea of some aspects of Austin.

Move. Move anywhere you think is even marginally cool. No matter what happens, the cultural experience, the quasi-vacation experience, the break-even aspect of working any job compared to cash outlay of living somewhere new for a while... Move.

Theresa is a nice city. You could always move back to Theresa. Ha. Close to Hyde Lake; and the vast city of Watertown! And the leaves, in Fall! OMG!

Move. Worst case scenario you are back home to reboot in six months.

Wichita KS is a quiet river city; not a boom town, but similar to Austin (save the climate) 20 years ago.

posted by buzzman at 7:17 PM on November 25, 2010

I like the Ft. Collins idea. Pittsburgh, Austin, Savannah, Athens are great.

Anywhere but Philadelphia. You will not find work and you will not be happy. It is overrated in every way.
posted by vincele at 7:19 PM on November 25, 2010

Philadelphia is *over*rated? Wow. [/snarkiness]

OK, out of my system. Ahem. Consider looking in to temp agencies in whatever town you decide to move to. I've had friends get permanent office jobs through them and it could help you earn some money while you figure out what you really want to do.
posted by maryr at 7:23 PM on November 25, 2010

I think this is the first time I've ever seen Philly described as overrated.
posted by madcaptenor at 7:31 PM on November 25, 2010

I second maryr's suggestion about temp agencies. With a work history should be able to expect assignments.

I described Philly as overrated because people are suggesting it as a possible destination for the poster. I don't think the city has anything to offer any recent graduate looking to make a start in the world.
posted by vincele at 7:37 PM on November 25, 2010

Honestly I should re-follow up on that question, too - we wound up in DC and actually, it passes your qualifications. Close to an airport, lower unemployment than the rest of the country, warmer climate than NY, full of young creative folks and from what I've experienced so far, a great little arts scene.

Seconded. I moved to DC after growing up in suburban NJ, attending college in Virginia, and then spending one godawful year unemployed living with my parents. I moved for a job, and expected to hate it.... 9 months later, I'm quite fond of the place.

It's not a creative powerhouse like New York City, although we certainly have a lot more to offer than boring politicians and lawyers. The fact that our art/music scene is on the smaller side also happens to make it extremely accessible.

Oh, and there are actual jobs here. Can't really say that about anyplace else in the country. The cost of living is very high, but at least you'll probably have an income that pays for it...

Somewhat perversely, buses and trains depart from DC to NYC more frequently than they do in most of the actual NYC suburbs. Getting back and forth is very cheap, and very easy. *(This also means that you can very easily go job/apartment hunting in DC from your home-base in NY)
posted by schmod at 7:50 PM on November 25, 2010

Pittsburgh gets pretty icky and cold in the winter (and windy!), but it is cheap and quiet and I had many friends there who did many things apart from drinking. There's a small arts scene and opera and the symphony. There aren't as many restaurants as NYC, but there are quite a few nice little restaurants run by people of varying ethnicities and cuisines. The airport is close enough and probably has a million flights a day to various New York cities. I am very fond of Pittsburgh and would be happy to provide you with hints and tips and various options for social outlets if you ended up there.
posted by that girl at 7:56 PM on November 25, 2010

is it feasible

yes, as everyone above points out, it's easily feasible

and where I should go?

Go where you've imagined being, somewhere your thoughts and dreams have taken you. And go soon, while it's possible.
posted by anadem at 7:58 PM on November 25, 2010 [1 favorite]

You could try Boston.
Everything is there... music, theater, social groups, transportation, roommates, jobs (in some areas).
I actually just left Boston because I just can't deal with the winters. But if you don't mind that.
They have a lot of good temp. agencies and if you do administrative work, most places will pay pretty well.
You would probably need a roommate or two. There are some very affordable and safe neighborhoods in and around the city. Also, if you sublet in Boston or any other large city, you usually can leave with a months notice (in my half a dozen experiences). So if you don't like it or if you think finding a job would be impossible - you can always just go back home.

If you're looking to live on your own, I can suggest here in Knoxville. It's not large by any means, but there's a great arts community, farmers markets, an even four seasons, reasonable rent, it's safe here. There are some jobs available as there has been some government funding for DOE and other agencies.

Another place that has a great arts community is Burlington, VT. No idea how job outlooks look there, though.

I would only be worried about finding a job.
I'm not which part of NY you're living in, but it could be feasible to start applying for jobs around NYC, Burlington VT, Boston and if you land an interview, you could take a day trip.

I move a lot for no particular reason other than I get bored. Usually I'm out of work for a month or two. Except for this last time. I moved in June of 2009 and was finally employed by December of 2009. I had no income and no savings - so it was hard times. But everything is fine now.
posted by KogeLiz at 7:59 PM on November 25, 2010

I'm not going to attempt to pitch where you should go, plenty of people are making good arguments for various places.

But, yes, you should go. Living in other places helped me grow like nothing else has -- it's challenging, but in all these ways that are so positive for finding out who you want to be. Image having the opportunity to start with a clean slate -- nobody knows your mistakes, your bad habits, your failings, nothing, you can change it all and nobody will be the wiser. It's powerful.
posted by zug at 8:04 PM on November 25, 2010

Move to the West Coast. I've lived on the West Coast (LA, SF, and now Seattle), and I've lived on the East (Boston), and I find the west to be far superior to the east. YMMV - I've seen people bitching about the west coast who couldn't wait to move back east - but you'll never know if you never leave, will you?

Change climate, change attitude, change seasons.
posted by egypturnash at 8:12 PM on November 25, 2010 [3 favorites]

oh yeah: You might also completely fail, financially. When I moved out of my hometown (New Orleans, which someone suggested above - it, too, is a pretty artsy and fun city and it's very warm; I'm visiting for Thanksgiving and it's like 71ยบ right now - at 10pm. I vaguely hear the rent's killer right now, though; there's not much cheap housing after Katrina.) to Los Angeles, I struggled for a while, and ultimately just utterly failed. I do not regret this in the least. I experienced a very different place from where I grew up, learnt a hell of a lot about art (I was bumbling around the edge of the animation industry), and made some important major changes to myself.
posted by egypturnash at 8:19 PM on November 25, 2010

Well, besides the winter (-30 degree wind chills), I'd recommend Chicago. I lived there for a while as an 18-year old making less than $200 a week, and if I can do it, anyone can. The cost of living is much cheaper than comparable cities, and the arts and music scene was good. I went to see plays all the time for free, and OK, some of them weren't very good, but what do you expect? It was free...Anyway, easy to live on your own there.
posted by lhude sing cuccu at 8:24 PM on November 25, 2010

Er, if winter in NYC and upstate New York is really something you want to get away from, Burlington VT is really not going to be your thing (nor will Boston nor Chicago). And my best impression from friends/family is that there are not tons of jobs in the area, particularly not in professional/office type areas. But I do not know that first hand.
posted by maryr at 8:57 PM on November 25, 2010

Anywhere. Seriously. It doesn't even matter where. Try something new. You can make enough to live on, it won't necessarily be a lot but it will be enough. Even if it is not your favorite place or your favorite thing ever it will be a lesson learned and worth it.

OK down to the real recommendation: go somewhere where you have at least one connection. This is what most people do. Whenever people ask how I got where I am I always say "Well my friend came here and..." or when I ask people how they came to be where they are they say, "Well my friend does this thing here and I..."
posted by bobobox at 9:24 PM on November 25, 2010

I say head to LA!

You'll enjoy the nice no-snow winters here :)
posted by p1nkdaisy at 9:51 PM on November 25, 2010

Before I went to college, I went on adventures that helped me to feel like an independent adult. Some examples of these include traveling, volunteering, and working internationally, and biking across the United States (I had no idea how to do it 'til I did it. Turns out you just wake up, bike all day, and eat a whole lot of food).

One of the most useful things for you to keep in mind is that "Action precedes motivation." To me, this means that you won't truly appreciate why it's a good idea to do something until you're busy doing it. Think up something as far away from your current worldview as you possibly can, and aim for that.

$9,000? If I were unemployed, I could live on that in the U.S. for a year, even in the most expensive parts. Keep your rent cheap, drive a bike, and so forth. Even if you aren't frugal, as long as you're not frivolous, you should be fine. There's more to life than admin jobs - or jobs in general. Go exploring. Try as many unordinary-to-you things as possible. If you want an abundance of suggestions, feel free to memail me.
posted by aniola at 9:56 PM on November 25, 2010 [1 favorite]

and I would like to repeat what others have said here, you're young, you've got creditdals, you're unattached, and you've got a not bad savings. Even with Shitty Economy you've got a ticket for wherever you want. So you really should move.
posted by The Whelk at 10:09 PM on November 25, 2010

Best answer: Let me join my voice to the few who have already said: move on out here to the West Coast. LA is amazing -- absolutely anything you want to do, somebody's doing it and would be happy to have you join them. (Helps enormously to have a car.) San Francisco -- speaking personally, my years scrabbling in SF were some of my happiest, it's a great town to be young and poor and excited. (And you don't need a car.) Portland or Seattle -- both beautiful, interesting towns that meet your criteria. (Both get occasional snow, causing massive civic disruption, allowing you to feel superior in a "you call this snow?" way.)

Things ARE different here from the East Coast; give it a try. You can't really fail, at worst you find out some interesting things about yourself and have some interesting memories (even the bad-at-the-time ones). Remember: you can't win the lottery unless you buy a ticket!
posted by kestralwing at 10:51 PM on November 25, 2010 [1 favorite]

Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh. I'm from upstate New York and Pittsburgh was the perfect match for me--I wanted to feel like I was in a true city, but one that was affordable, down-to-earth, yet full of college or 20something kids and a thriving arts/music scene. Pittsburgh. Steel town blue collar mentality mixed with tons of university kids and nerds mixed with old-skool philanthropy (meaning zillions of cultural/arts funding and therefore tons of awesome places to go and things to do). So wonderful.
posted by ifjuly at 11:05 PM on November 25, 2010 [1 favorite]

Saint Louis. Cheap, great arts scene, vibrant community for young professionals, free museums and Zoo.
posted by hworth at 12:44 AM on November 26, 2010

Consider transportation. I moved to Los Angeles two years ago, and am still here, and loving it. But parking can be a pain, and I do wish for a more convenient public transportation system. If you're moving to Los Angeles, your life will be made a lot easier with your own form of transportation. You can depend solely on public transportation (lots of people do), but I wouldn't.

Move. Everyone should leave their comfort zone for any period of time, even if it means you'll end up running back home.
posted by Xere at 2:35 AM on November 26, 2010

Response by poster: Thanks for all the great responses so far! I am overwhelmed by all the positive stories and recommendations to move - obviously you are all strangers on the internet, but I know not many people in my real life are going to support the idea, so thanks for starting my planning off on the right foot.

I think I am going to do it, it's just a matter of picking where. Right now I am leaning towards west coast, but to be honest, I don't really have much of an idea yet. Your ideas are really helpful!!

I won't be going until at least after Christmas, more like mid January, I think. Wheee, this is exciting! :)
posted by firei at 4:56 AM on November 26, 2010

You could try Boston.

I love Boston, but if you're not from there and didn't go/aren't going to school there, it can be kind of difficult, socially. I highly recommend looking up your old college friends living in a city you like and moving there. Also, get in touch with your college's career office to give you a hand in job hunting-- maybe even go back to campus to visit a career fair and have a few interviews.
posted by deanc at 6:01 AM on November 26, 2010

If I were in your shoes, I'd head to Barnes and Noble and the travel section. I'd flip through a bunch of Lonely Planets, Rough Guides, etc. to the US and to parts of the US. Read about different cities and regions--what activities do they have? What's the feel of the place? Are there cool restaurants/cafes/bars you want to check out? It might not help you get a sense of the industries in an area (for when you're looking for a job) but it will give you a chance to see which cities get your heart beating.
posted by pompelmo at 7:47 AM on November 26, 2010

Austin fits your requirements, and Texas has tons of jobs. Houston probably has more jobs and a lower cost of living, but it's not as cool. It's definitely improving though. Same with Dallas. Both might be worth checking out too.

For reference, I've lived all over the US and in Europe, and my family is from NYC and upstate NY, so I've got a pretty wide range of experience. Been living in Houston for 18 years...although I'd rather be in Austin.
posted by MexicanYenta at 7:49 AM on November 26, 2010

I'm surprised no one mentioned Baltimore yet - it's not West Coast, but it's got a remarkably low cost of living, is close enough to DC to commute should you need a wider job area, has a funky arts scene, and it's very liveable (nice weather, very little snow, choice of urban or suburban or even rural environments within a small distance). There's not much in the way of mass transit, but I'm guessing that's the same where you are already.
posted by Mchelly at 10:56 AM on November 26, 2010

You're 23, no kids, no ball and chain, no mortgage and 9-grand to spare?


See the world, meet other people your age who are backpacking their way around the globe and broadening their horizons.

You will rarely get this chance when you get older and more settled.

It will make you incredibly marketable when you make it back Stateside and give you memories and experiences you will never forget.

There are plenty of amazing organisations you could volunteer for if you'd like to be productive.

Good luck!
posted by dawn_chorus at 12:09 PM on November 26, 2010

Best answer: If you haven't seriously considered Portland Oregon, you really should. Sell everything you own and move to NW Portland. Everything will be within walking distance, so you won't even really need a car. Once you're settled in, take some time and figure out what part of town you want to be in long term.

That's what I did (except I moved downtown) and I haven't regretted it once.

-a city, medium to large sized.
Yup. And it's the perfect mix of a medium city with large city options that make it feel bigger than it is, yet it has great neighborhoods. And they're all close in. No sprawl here.

-some sort of arts scene (doesn't have to be big, but I really enjoy theatre and music)
In Portland? ABSOLUTELY.

-youngish people who like to do things besides just go to bars
Absolutely. Portland is a hip city.

-I'd prefer something warm-ish, or at least with milder winters than NY has
It snows in Portland maybe once a year and it almost never sticks. We get a lot of rain in the winter, but it's a very soft gentle rain. The joke here is that you can spot a tourist because they're the ones with umbrellas. On the other hand, summers are very dry and not really hot. They're probably nicer than you're used to.

-decent job scene (if that exists right now)
That's going to be a challenge anywhere, sadly.

-airport in the city or close to it (I do want to be able to fly home without too much difficulty for holidays and whatnot)
Even without a car, our airport is easily accessible via mass transit. MAX light rail goes right there.

-would like to remain in the US
Portland sits in a lush valley in western Oregon. Portland's an hour from the west coast (they never call it the beach here. It's just the coast, and it's stunning), and you're an hour from the snow capped Cascade mountains. You can see Mt. Hood from downtown on a clear day.

I wish I'd discovered Portland long before I did. I'm from N.E. Pennsylvania but I never really felt like I belonged there. I've lived in Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Texas, etc... it wasn't until I arrived here that I ever felt like I'd found someplace to call 'home'.
posted by 2oh1 at 3:32 PM on November 26, 2010 [1 favorite]

Best answer: New Orleans, for sure.

Large-ish city, but beautiful. Trees and greenery, parks abound, and though there are a ton of people the social network is pretty cool so it's easy to get in and meet people.

New Orleans is practically made of its arts scene. Live music every single night in places all over the city. A buddy of mine acts in local theatre productions and those are really common as well, plus the parade scene, which if you get into it can be AMAZING.

We had some 75 degree days last week.

Airport close. Also close are: Florida resorts, Mississippi beaches, Texas. Mid part of the country and makes it easy to travel wherever you want to go.

If you are willing to live with roommates, I would say you have about 8 months before your $9k gets depleted here. That's assuming rent, car insurance (but not payment), phone, utilities, food. And I would be shocked if you didn't find a job here way before that.

On a side note, my boyfriend moved here from California with a temporary (firm ending date 3 months after getting here) job. Lived in a hotel for a few weeks, found a place with roommates, and now owns a house here. It's a beautiful, robust, complex place to live. I'm in complete love with the city and I believe that it's a great place to live.

Side note: if you do move down here, I'd totally take you around and show you what's up!
posted by Night_owl at 3:52 PM on November 26, 2010

Go to a library and research jobs in various target cities. I moved to a new city at 22, and there were few jobs, which made life difficult. And you may want to stay within visiting distance of your folks.
posted by theora55 at 8:30 PM on November 26, 2010

I've lived in Savannah, San Francisco, Pittsburgh, LA, and St. Louis. I'd recommend Savannah and Pittsburgh, but St. Louis was super boring (and cold!) and San Francisco is perfect and super expensive.

But if you're looking to escape winter entirely, Savannah's where it's at.
posted by thebrokenmuse at 1:17 AM on November 28, 2010

Response by poster: Thanks everyone!

Tops on my list are:

New Orleans
and perhaps a yet undetermined Californian city

I'm going to go into research mode now. :) Thanks again hive mind.
posted by firei at 1:07 PM on November 28, 2010

Best answer: One warning: when you begin your research, you will likely discover that Oregon has a higher than average unemployment rate right now. Also, spend some time at the Damn Portlanders website and you will see people openly mocked for moving here without a job. The people who frequently move here without jobs are young 20-somethings just like you.

And then many of these same folks leave here several months later, totally broke. So tread carefully if you choose Portland.
posted by bluedaisy at 2:36 PM on November 29, 2010

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