America: An Australian Proxy?
November 16, 2010 5:28 PM   Subscribe

How can I register for an American onine service while living in Australia?

There's an online service that is completely legal, completely legitimate and very VERY useful to a project I'm persuing. It allows me to split work up to lots of different clients and have them complete the work for me, and get paid on volume.

However, I need a US address to register for the service, which is something I don't have. Although it seems rediculous to me, for an online service that has no physical presence and allows clients from all over the world to use it, I can't exactly convince them to drop the restriction myself.

I don't really want to spend $300 for an LLC, all I want is an address that can receive my (very) occasional correspondance, and perhaps a bank account in the future.

If it makes a difference, I'm an Aussie.

How can I best make these things happen?
posted by Quadlex to Law & Government (2 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
There are a number of companies that will give you a physical mailing address and then forward the mail received to you, either over the Internet or by traditional means. They are commonly used by people who live in recreational vehicles with no permanent address. Sites geared towards RVs should be able to point you towards a number of them or Google mail forwarding service rv.

A bank account may be more complicated but RV resources may also help.
posted by ChrisHartley at 5:47 PM on November 16, 2010

I can't recommend a particular service, but googling "remailing service us" produces quite a few relevant hits.
posted by Ahab at 11:50 PM on November 16, 2010

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