What's the lowest power consumption system I can build for a GlusterFS test?
November 4, 2010 10:35 AM   Subscribe

I need the cheapest, lowest possible power consumption solution for a GlusterFS test cluster. MeFi PC hardware experts, can you hope me?

I'm doing some experimentation with GlusterFS. I'd like to build 4 machines. However, I'd like them to run with as little power consumption as possible, and I'd like to do it from hardware I can buy over the interwebs.

I don't know much about power scaling and whatnot these days. What do I need to know to get the lowest power consumption possible out of consumer grade hardware? Obviously, I'll want to use low power drives... that's not a problem. What chips are best for my application? (atom? i3?) With a home system serving out NFS or CIFS, what sort of performance do I need? Obviously, price is also a huge consideration here.

Also: I realize that this isn't necessarily the smartest or cheapest way to get low power consumption, highly available storage, but I need to experiment with GlusterFS for my consulting biz and no one's volunteered to throw a bunch of money at me for the kit, so it's up to me to do it on my own.
posted by SpecialK to Computers & Internet (3 answers total)
For lowest power consumption, you want SSDs. For substantial amounts of storage without breaking the bank, look to 5400 RPM 2.5" (laptop) or 3.5" drives (like the Samsung Ecogreen line.)

Just slinging bits around isn't processor-intensive and you're much more likely to be disk speed-bound than CPU-bound. So without having done the experimentation you're pursuing, I couldn't tell you what CPU's appropriate. But Silent PC Review just did a Silent Home Server Build Guide and there's high correspondence between quiet and low-power.
posted by Zed at 10:59 AM on November 4, 2010

Do these need to be physical machines? I setup a GlusterFS a long time ago (read: about a year). I just setup 3 virtual machines and watched them play with each other.

If they need to be physical machines, take a look at my previous question. That's probably the lowest end solution from a price / power perspective that you can get away with.

The biggest thing with a GlusterFS solution is the need for a strong network. You'll saturate a home switch long before you'll press against hardware limitations.
posted by geoff. at 11:02 AM on November 4, 2010 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: I'm looking for ideas here, basically, hopefully based on past experience. They'd need to be physical machines.
posted by SpecialK at 1:31 PM on November 4, 2010

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