Skin resurfacing in the UK
November 4, 2010 10:39 AM   Subscribe

Medium-depth-chemical-peel-or-laser-filter: Recommendations in London, UK.

Asking for a friend: She's looking to do some skin resurfacing, the kind that takes you down for a week, done by doctors, not beauticians.

She's in between projects in the UK for a couple of months and wants to take time to get her skin done there. She's based near London (Reading), but happy to travel to London, Birmingham, or anywhere nearby to find someone good.

She's light-skinned, has mild sun damage, acne scars, large pores, etc. No major medical issues.

Anyone have suggestions for a good doctor to do Fraxel, an Obagi peel, a TCA peel, or similar?
posted by alternateuniverse to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion 1 user marked this as a favorite
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