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September 10, 2010 3:30 PM   Subscribe

Couple-y social activities in London in late October?

Mrs. Benzenedream and I will be travelling to London during the last two weeks of October for a vacation. There are plenty of previous threads about what to see and do.

We would like to interact with some non-tourists in some sort of group setting conducive to conversation. We have plenty of museums and restaurants set up already (Bletchley Park, British Museum, Wellcome Trust Museum, Churchill's War Room, etc.). We are both up for strenuous physical activity and like to walk. I checked into the London Zoo "zookeeper for a day" program but it's ~ $500USD per which is a bit steep. We are in our 30's and not much into dance clubs (dancing, fine, clubbing, not so much).

Obviously, I'll set up a liquor-soaked meetup on the IRL site once our itinerary gels.
posted by benzenedream to Travel & Transportation (4 answers total) 8 users marked this as a favorite
I've recced this before, and I'll rec it again: Saturday Walker's Club. A country pub walk is the Glory of England.
posted by Erasmouse at 3:52 PM on September 10, 2010 [2 favorites]

The Walker's Club is a great recommendation. If you're looking for something even closer, a lot of Meet Up groups have walks in and around London, with lots of locals and great conversation.

You could also check out BTCV or the National Trust; they often have day or weekend volunteer projects where you can repair hedgerows, build walls, etc, with a small group of people.
posted by martianna at 8:22 PM on September 10, 2010

The Thames Path and South East Walks meet up group usually do something most Sundays, and walking the waterways gives you an intimate insight into the city and environs.
posted by freya_lamb at 5:37 AM on September 11, 2010

Response by poster: IRL meetup.
posted by benzenedream at 11:15 PM on October 21, 2010

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