Help identify true story of escape from cave/dungeon
July 20, 2010 6:54 PM   Subscribe

When I was a boy, I read a true story about two prisoners who escaped from some kind of cave/prison. Can anyone help me identify it?

A lot of kids go through phases where they like to read all about one particular subject: horses, say, or dinosaurs.

When I was about 11 (early 1980s), I went through a phase where I liked to read all about escapes. Escapes from POW camps, escapes from hostage situations, escapes from prison -- I was (and still am) fascinated by the incredible resourcefulness and ingenuity people demonstrate even in seemingly hopeless circumstances.

One in particular I would like to get more details on.

I think...

* This may have been during the French Revolution, or some other European unpleasantness of yore.
* There were two prisoners. They may have been some kind of imprisoned former noblemen, or something.
* They were in some kind of cave dungeon, or something like that. I have an image of food being thrown *down* to them via a trapdoor in the ceiling.
* Lots of water in the cave; maybe a small lake
* Eventually, the two men get into the water and begin following it in the pitch dark. They end up squirming on their bellies, feeling their way along through areas barely large enough to fit through. They come to a small opening where the water flows out of the cave, but there are bars across it. The bars are rusted, though, and they are able to break through them to freedom.
* They may have been manacled up to that point, because I think the first thing they did after getting free was break into some hut or something and steal a hammer and chisel to break the chain.

Finally, this was probably just one story in an anthology or story collection of some kind. Maybe some Readers Digest thing.

Understand that this is a long shot. Any help?
posted by Alaska Jack to Media & Arts (5 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
This seems like Papillon enough for me to throw it out there. It almost is a direct match, and something I could see being in a Reader's Digest type of collection.
posted by geoff. at 7:00 PM on July 20, 2010

Was it The Count Of Monte Cristo or Papillon? I have not, lamentably, read either, but they are the first things that spring to mind when I think "French prison escape".
posted by turgid dahlia at 7:01 PM on July 20, 2010

Gotta say Papillon also, which is one of my favorite books. It features many escapes - your list covers events from different parts of the book. It's quite probable that you read a Reader's Digest version with just the various escapes in it. I highly recommend getting the full book, it's awesome.
posted by L'Estrange Fruit at 7:12 PM on July 20, 2010

Count of Monte Cristo's escape isn't as described by the OP. For one thing, only one man escapes.
posted by Chocolate Pickle at 7:26 PM on July 20, 2010

Response by poster: Papillon, eh? TO THE LIBRARY!!

- AJ
posted by Alaska Jack at 2:28 PM on July 21, 2010

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