Should I name my daughter Lucy?
July 13, 2010 9:20 AM   Subscribe

Should I name my daughter Lucy?

People named Lucy, and people who know people named Lucy, and naming scholars, maybe you can help me name my kid. The basic question is, is Lucy a good name; why or why not?

My wife and I are having twin daughters shortly. We're mostly decided on names. One name I'm very happy with. The other I worry about off and on -- Lucy. I like it pretty well, my wife likes it a lot.

But I have some concerns. There are two mega-famous Lucies, I Love and van Pelt. There aren't many others (Lu, Lawless, whatever). Do those two Lucies dominate people's perceptions of Lucy, and is that a problem?

Also, because it ends in 'y', Lucy has the feel of a diminutive name, even though one of the "long-form" names, Lucille, is actually the diminutive. I have a hard time imagining the phrase "Supreme Court Justice Lucy Anonymous". Are Lucia, Lucinda or Lucille better long-form names for people to have, or are we better off with Lucy? (I really like Lucia, but I feel like people would be confused about the pronunciation)

In short, is it a reasonable thing to do to name a girl Lucy in 2010? Posting anon because we're not pre-announcing our kids' names to friends.
posted by anonymous to Human Relations (138 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
When I hear "Lucy," I think "Charlie Brown's friend," then "you got a lot of 'splaining to do." Neither has particularly bad connotations. I think it's a fine name.
posted by The Winsome Parker Lewis at 9:22 AM on July 13, 2010

is it a reasonable thing to do to name a girl Lucy in 2010?

posted by EndsOfInvention at 9:23 AM on July 13, 2010 [1 favorite]

Also, I don't think you can go wrong with a long-form name for formal paperwork (I prefer "Lucille" over "Lucia," and "Lucia" over "Lucinda," personally). You can still call her "Lucy" all the time, but when she gets older she'll have more options that way if she'd rather go by something more formal.
posted by The Winsome Parker Lewis at 9:24 AM on July 13, 2010 [9 favorites]

My 5-year-old daughter has a friend named Lucy. I think it's a perfectly fine name. It reminds me a little of the name "Alice" which seems to be increasing in popularity lately.
posted by Ostara at 9:25 AM on July 13, 2010

In my baby parenting group of kids born in October and November of 2008, out of 40 babies, there were FOUR Lucies. Based on that, it was/is a popular name (at least with Southern California people). It is certainly reasonable, but if you're like us, we prefer not being terribly common. (And according to this, it is on an upswing nationwide.)

And, as an aside, if you consider Luke to be a similar male name, that is FOR SURE in the top 5 most popular baby names in Southern California. There were SIX Lukes in our parenting group and there are 2 in my son's daycare.

Baby Name Wizard - Lucy (gives you some famous Lucies and ideas for teasing)
posted by k8t at 9:26 AM on July 13, 2010 [1 favorite]

I love the name Lucy, and wanted to use it myself but couldn't sell Mr. Llama.

If you're concerned about an implied diminutive you could balance it with a strong middle name so you could delivery the two names to people when announcing her existence and then go on to call her Lucy. Lucy Rose comes to mind, but I think "Rose" is the modern equivalent of using "Ann" as a middle name (and I say this because my middle name is Ann. And my daughter's is Rose.)

Still Lucy Rose sounds cute.
posted by A Terrible Llama at 9:27 AM on July 13, 2010

[Disclaimer: My name isn't lucy, i don't know a Lucy. My name sounds like Carry but is spelled different.]

I love the name Lucia and for short, Lucy.

I don't know of anyone named either.. but I can't imagine why Lucy can't be a supreme court justice.

I think you might be over thinking it.
posted by royalsong at 9:27 AM on July 13, 2010

I definitely agree with The Winsome Parker Lewis that a long-form name for paperwork would be perfect.
posted by BusyBusyBusy at 9:27 AM on July 13, 2010

Lucy is a great name. People know it, but it's not common. And her peers certainly won't think of Lucille Ball.
posted by gaspode at 9:28 AM on July 13, 2010

And as a "Katy" legally, I (and I have posted this before) HATE having a "nickname" as a legal name. HATE HATE HATE it. I am an academic and I don't like using a nickname to publish with. If I didn't have a single syllable last name, I'd change it to Kate and be done with it. I strongly encourage you to have a long-form name.
posted by k8t at 9:28 AM on July 13, 2010 [5 favorites]

I really like the name Lucy. She won't be the 4th one in her class, but she won't have people asking her how to spell her name for the rest of her life. Twenty years from now she's not going to have people forget which "Ava" (or from my generation "Jennifer" or "Melissa") had the good resume and their various prejudices will most likely not immediately disregard her because of her "weird" or "low-class" name. It's unique, yet respectable.

Of course, I mean no disrespect to any Ava's, Jennifer's, or Melissa's, either. They're all fine names - just found very frequently during their heydays.
posted by Quizicalcoatl at 9:31 AM on July 13, 2010

I love the name Lucy, particularly for Lucille Ball, but also on its own. It was on the shortlist for our own twin girls 4 years ago... Classic, pretty, 'smart' - I don't think of it as diminutive at all. (I don't at all like Lucia, Lucille or Lucinda, fwiw. Lucius, now that would be another story... )
posted by widdershins at 9:32 AM on July 13, 2010

Marcie is always calling Lucy "Lucille" so if people assume it's a diminutive, they will probably assume it's a diminutive of Lucille.

So I vote for putting Lucille on the birth certificate but calling her Lucy in all other contexts. If she decides that Lucy is too diminutive she can expand it.

I think Lucy is an icy, lemony name and therefore can never be too cute for the professional woman she will grow into.
posted by tel3path at 9:32 AM on July 13, 2010

Huh. I guess maybe I have a little bit of expertise on this, at least insofar as I can provide very specific anecdata.

My (given) name isn't Lucy. However, that's always been my mom's pet name/nickname for me. Don't ask me why -- I have absolutely no clue. She would never explain it. Always said there was no reason. Whether there is or isn't a reason for it, I answer to it as easily as I answer to my given name. She addresses notes to me that way. When she talks about 'Lucy' (or 'LucyLou' or 'Luce'), everyone knows she means me. No big deal, right?

Problem is, I was a sensitive kid growing up in the 70s and 80s, when people knew who the Peanuts characters were, and when we all watched the Great Pumpkin and Charlie Brown Christmas specials every year. So I grew up thinking that my mom was passively aggressively accusing me of being bossy. I really thought that's why she called me that, and I had a huge complex about it. I think parts of that complex are still with me. And no, I'm not kidding. And yes, it really does stem from my mom nicknaming me Lucy (but never explaining why). Yes, therapy is probably warranted. I'll get right on that.

That was a bit of a perfect storm, though. You had a) a hypersensitive kid prone to overthinking, dealing with a mother who never really said what she really meant, and b) a pop culture where you could compare someone to Lucy Van Pelt and people would know who and what you meant. I'm not sure the latter is true today, is it? Do Kids Today know who Lucy is? Do they know that she's the one who always snatched the football away from Charlie Brown? Do they know she was arrogant and imperious and impossible to deal with? Is she the first one they think of when they hear the name?

I'd hope so, but I think not.

I don't think you have anything to worry about, speaking as someone who's experienced the pain that you're trying to save your kid. She'll be known as Lucy for being who she is, not for being a Van Peltian brat.

(But keep her from being a brat, okay?)
posted by mudpuppie at 9:33 AM on July 13, 2010

Went through the same thought pattern as you, even worrying about her name if she became a Supreme. :-) The name we picked had a very strong (but neutral, in terms of good or bad) connection with a 60's TV star. For the first couple of days after announcing the name, people said "Oh, like so-and-so from that show, right?" Well, no, actually. But that minor annoyance lasted about a week. Now the name means our daughter, and the other people who share her name don't even come to mind.

Also, we figured she'd be the only one around with that name. Wrong. She's had at least two others in every single class since preschool.

So tl;dr, I think Lucy is a fine, strong name. After people get to know your daughter, they won't be thinking Ball/Lawless/Lu/Van Pelt, they will be thinking Lucy Anonymous. And don't be surprised if there is another Lucy in her circle of friends.
posted by SuperSquirrel at 9:35 AM on July 13, 2010

I love the name Lucy. Yes, there are pop culture Lucies, but they're still fairly positive figures. This, to me, is a bit different from the poster who wanted to name his daughter Roxanne, whose strongest pop culture reference is a strongly negative one (no offense to any Roxannes out there).

If you name your daughter "Lucille," there are actually a lot of options for nicknames--"Cille," "Cici," "Lulu" and Lucy. So she can always play with that if she doesn't like her full name, or Lucy itself.
posted by PhoBWanKenobi at 9:36 AM on July 13, 2010 [1 favorite]

We named our cat Lucy mostly because I knew I would probably never get a chance to name a daughter that. So I'm a bit jealous.

(My user name comes from her - although her given name is "Lucy", we call her "Lucinda" when we're being whimsical.)
posted by Lucinda at 9:36 AM on July 13, 2010

Lucille feels like an old person name to me (that hasn't really been refreshed in the way some have.) Lucy doesn't. I would stick to Lucy.
posted by needs more cowbell at 9:37 AM on July 13, 2010 [1 favorite]

There are two under-four girls in my family named Lucy. I love the name and don't think of I Love or van Pelt when I hear it. (Nor do I think of Charlie Brown.)
posted by devinemissk at 9:38 AM on July 13, 2010

My daughter's name is Lucy. She is a natural redhead and is as silly as the day is long. It is the perfect name for her.
posted by jbickers at 9:39 AM on July 13, 2010

I'm going to echo k8t. Please don't give your child a diminutive for their full name. It sucks being 33 years old and having a name that ends in -ie. Everyone thinks it's a nickname and it's not. If I had the cash to change it (and any idea of what I'd change it to) I would. Making matters worse, it's a unisex name with a myriad of spellings so I get Sir'ed and Mr. Lastname'ed a lot in e-mail/snail mail/cold call situations.

Um, enough of my moaning. Back to the name itself.

I think Lucy is old-fashioned, but that's the in thing these days, and I prefer the old fashioned names to Kaylee/Ashleigh/Hailee and Braden/Jayden/Hayden/Okayden. No unpleasant connotations with either (although maybe pray she's not a redhead). But I'd definitely consider naming her Lucia and calling her Lucy. Lucille and Lucinda are both horrible (sorry).
posted by elsietheeel at 9:39 AM on July 13, 2010

My husband really wanted Lucy if we'd had a girl, but I could only picture those other two Lucys. I know a number of grade school age kids with the name now. I agree though, that a more formal name would be useful for her future legal career. Lucia Rose Magillacuddy sounds like it would do the trick
posted by ThatCanadianGirl at 9:40 AM on July 13, 2010

I've never assumed that Lucy is a diminutive. Among those with the name in my acquaintance: a 50-something friend, a 20-year-old (half-British) human cousin, a recently-deceased pug cousin (whose name was supposedly short for Lucille, but Lucille was never used) and a deceased grandma born in 1924 whose name was Mary Lucy, but went by Mary Lu or (very, very seldom) Lu.

I think Lucy is different from most of the -ie diminutives and stands on its own very well. I think it ages nicely and has an old-fashioned ring without being dated like an Edna or Agnes. I wouldn't go with a "long-form" name, because Lucy IS the name.

I can't imagine anyone having a problem at any time, whether professionally or on the playground. The only thing I can think of is "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds," and your average eight-year-old probably won't be able to make fun of her for a by-then-50-year-old drug reference.
posted by Madamina at 9:41 AM on July 13, 2010 [2 favorites]

I don't think Lucy is the diminutive. The Saint is just plain "Lucy" in English and "Lucia" in Latin.

This web site backs me up, describing "Lucille" as the diminutive of "Lucy".

Perhaps languagehat will be along to clear things up.
posted by Jahaza at 9:44 AM on July 13, 2010

FWIW, Lucy made me think of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds and a friend of the same name before either I Love or van Pelt.

I also like the idea of hedging your bets by either using a long-form name for paperwork or giving her a strong middle name, although Lucy on its own seems perfectly fine to me.

(Note: Lucia reminds me of Ana Lucia from Lost and Lucille Ball is the only Lucille I know.)
posted by junques at 9:45 AM on July 13, 2010

I think it's a gorgeous name, but I want to know what the other child's name is going to be. With twins, it's totally important that the names match. For example, Lucy and Lily = no. Lucy and Mary = no. Lucy and Katelyn = yes.
posted by roomthreeseventeen at 9:46 AM on July 13, 2010

One of my friends just named her daughter Lucy (my friend is 28, if you think it's a generational thing). I think it's a really lovely name, and I know/know of a few people of varying ages (from teen to mid-forties and one older woman) named or at least called Lucy. One of them was actually Lucia, but she's from an Italian family and when they spoke English they always said Lucy. I like the idea of giving her a long form name for paperwork, or just so she can decide when she's older if she prefers a nickname or a longer name.
posted by hungrybruno at 9:46 AM on July 13, 2010

My stepdad's last name is Lucie (pronounced Lucy). He's a soccer coach, merchant marine, general contractor, all-around guy's guy. He's turning into quite the curmudgeonly old guy actually, and it has nothing to do with having a diminutive-sounding girl's name. If someone wants to tease your daughter they'll find a way no matter what her name is. Name her what feels right to you, and it won't take long before the van Pelts and Balls disappear from your imagination. She'll take over her name in no time.

When my second was born I wanted to name him Stephen but his dad said no way, since combined with his surname he'd share the name of a famous scary novelist, & dad thought that would be too much of a burden. So we gave him a different, very nice name, and I'm sorry but the kid looks like a Stephen and has a dozen nicknames because the name we gave him, which we like very much, just doesn't quite fit. He uses Stephen as an online pseudonym ... and guess who his favorite author is?
posted by headnsouth at 9:50 AM on July 13, 2010

Lucy is a fine given name -- I don't think of it as a nickname in the same way that Katy or Betsy would be. It's more like Sadie or Molly to me (and yes, I know they're originally from Sarah and Mary, but they stand on their own now).

It is, however, somewhat common with the under-10 set now ... not quite up there with Sophia, Isabella and Ava, and a Lucy born in 2010 might be the only one in a class of 25, but she'll certainly know some other Lucys in her lifetime. And, honestly, it's also a name that I've frequently heard given to dogs. (I think some trendy human names start their ascent with dogs, since people often get dogs a few years before they have kids -- the dog Lucys I know best are all around 10.) But still, I've never heard it applied to a human and thought, "That's a dog name!"

Congratulations on the upcoming kids!
posted by lisa g at 9:50 AM on July 13, 2010 [1 favorite]

Lucy is indeed popular, but unlike a lot of the up-and-coming popular names for girls in 2010, it doesn't make her sound like a puff pastry or a china plate. Abstractly, it's very different from Emma, Ava, Ella, Bella, Grace, Lily etc. A little less frilly, a little more stalwart, but still cute and spunky.

Honestly, I love both the cultural references you brought up, and think that both those ladies heighten Lucy's appeal as a name with personality and humor. Good choice!
posted by zoomorphic at 9:51 AM on July 13, 2010

I have a sort-of diminutive for my name, and I despise it. I have, from as far back as I can remember, wished I had the long form for my name. Lucy is a perfectly fine nickname. Choose Lucille or Lucia or Lucinda or something like that.
posted by jeather at 9:51 AM on July 13, 2010

Have Lucy or Lucille be her middle name! I know several Elizabeths (among other long-form first names: Katherine, Rebecca) who have always gone by their middle names. Some as a choice of their own, some because their parents always called them by their middle name.
posted by peep at 9:53 AM on July 13, 2010

Lucy from Tale of Two Cities. She was supposed to be beautiful.

I hate to say it, but for some reason, Lucy as a dog name rings a loud bell. I think I met some dogs named Lucy over the past few years.

Lucille Bluth, from Arrested Development, and Lucille Two, and "Loose Seal" come to mind as well.
posted by anniecat at 9:53 AM on July 13, 2010

The name Lucy seems to be coming back in style, so I wouldn't be too worried about it.
posted by ook at 9:53 AM on July 13, 2010

I think it sounds like a diminutive. I vote for Lucinda or Lucille.
posted by Wordwoman at 9:54 AM on July 13, 2010

To clarify: my suggestion was to make Lucy her middle name, and then call her Lucy! But then she has a "supreme court" name when she's an adult. We did something similar with our son's name.
posted by peep at 9:54 AM on July 13, 2010

I think it's a gorgeous name, but I want to know what the other child's name is going to be. With twins, it's totally important that the names match. For example, Lucy and Lily = no. Lucy and Mary = no. Lucy and Katelyn = yes.

No, sorry, twins are only packaged deals in the womb, but as soon as they get out they're two individual people whose names don't need to match anymore than their clothes do. Lucy and Ruth? Lucy and Margaret? Lucy and Willa? Knock yourself out.
posted by zoomorphic at 9:54 AM on July 13, 2010 [8 favorites]

I think Lucy is a lovely and perfectly dignified name for a Supreme Court Justice or your little girl. I also agree with others who suggest that you chose a formal version of this name, or whatever name you and your wife decide on, so that your daughter, when she's older, can adjust and shorten the name if she wishes. Our names, for most of us, become a significant part of our identity. So counter-intuitive then that they're assigned to us by those who do not even know us.

Speaking as a woman with an "old fashioned" name (and one rarer than "Lucy"), I didn't like my name at all as a kid. In a classroom full of fashionable "Jennifers" and "Lisas," my name was a crinoline hoop skirt, and kind of an itchy one. I appreciated the name as I got older.

posted by applemeat at 9:54 AM on July 13, 2010

If you really like the name but are worried about how well it'd hold up professionally, why not just give it to your daughter as a middle name? I've got plenty of friends who go by their middle name now and will presumably decide as they hit adulthood whether to go with their more "mature sounding" first name or keep using their middle name. I like the idea of giving your kid the option of deciding for herself.

I wouldn't go with a longer version of Lucy - it doesn't sound like you're very enthusiastic about any of them, other than Lucia. And I agree, that could be tricky, pronunciation-wise.

Also, as a kid, I don't immediately associate anything with the name Lucy - not even the character from Charlie Brown.
posted by estlin at 9:55 AM on July 13, 2010

My wife is a Lucy, her only complaints are that a lot of people name their dogs Lucy, and the I Love Lucy connection. Frankly though, she often does have 'splaining to do.

I think it's a gorgeous name, but I want to know what the other child's name is going to be. With twins, it's totally important that the names match. For example, Lucy and Lily = no. Lucy and Mary = no. Lucy and Katelyn = yes.

My wife's cousin in a Mary, so Lucy and Mary sounds perfectly fine to me. Although it might seem too much like you were ripping off the family on Seventh Heaven.
posted by Bulgaroktonos at 9:55 AM on July 13, 2010

zoomorphic, I didn't mean just twins, but siblings in general. I think it's hokey to name all of your kids with the same letter, or all rhyming, etc.
posted by roomthreeseventeen at 9:55 AM on July 13, 2010

I wish I knew a "Lucy."

Here is a vote for.
posted by leafwoman at 9:56 AM on July 13, 2010

It's important to remember that cultural referents refresh themselves every 40-50 years or so. Lucy Van Pelt and I Love Lucy are already in the realm of "oldies"; by the time your daughter is 30 and gearing up for that Supreme Court bid, they'll occupy approximately the same cognitive space for her as Mary Pickford and vaudeville stars did for us. I seriously doubt whether anyone will someday judge the "feel" of her name based on its use by the heroine of a ~70-year-old television show.

What will be important is how her name sounds relative to the names of all the other Supreme Court nominees, who will presumably all be from generations born ~10-20 years before and after hers. Among those kids, dainty, feminine-sounding names (Sophia, Olivia, Emma, Molly, etc.) seem very common. I think Lucy will be fine.
posted by Bardolph at 9:58 AM on July 13, 2010

If you're worried about it sounding diminutive and not liking any of the associated names, give her a nice formal middle name she can go by if she needs to. Elizabeth. Anne. Catherine. Joan. Etc.

But, yeah, as a name that's coming back in style, I imagine it won't sound too cutesy in 30-40 years when all the Lucies come of age. Any more than Lindsey or Kimberly sound diminutive now that people with those formerly-trendy names are all grown up. I know plenty of accountants and attorneys who are Stephanie or Laurie, and it doesn't seem to be a hindrance for them.
posted by Sara C. at 10:00 AM on July 13, 2010

I don't think Lucy is the diminutive. The Saint is just plain "Lucy" in English and "Lucia" in Latin.

This web site backs me up, describing "Lucille" as the diminutive of "Lucy".

Perhaps languagehat will be along to clear things up.

Not languagehat, but because I'm a word dork, I looked into this a bit, on, which tends to be a bit better than other naming sites. Apparently, Lucille is the French form of Lucilla, which is a diminutive of Lucia, from which Lucy is also derived. So there's some truth to that, but clearly this isn't quite as clear-cut as "Lucy" being the "full name" and "Lucille" being the "nickname."
posted by PhoBWanKenobi at 10:01 AM on July 13, 2010

I strongly encourage you to have a long-form name.

Except that Lucy is the long form name. Lucille and Lucinda are the diminutives, they just have more letters in them. Lucia is a linguistic variant, like the difference between Anne and Anna.
posted by Sara C. at 10:04 AM on July 13, 2010

I like the name Lucy a lot but when one of my co-workers started to call my other co-worker Lucy "Juicy Lucy" I was less impressed.
posted by Mrs Mutant at 10:06 AM on July 13, 2010 [2 favorites]

Cool name.
posted by xammerboy at 10:06 AM on July 13, 2010

Do not like as a name for a person, probably because I know a few pets with the name Lucy.
posted by FergieBelle at 10:08 AM on July 13, 2010

I love the name Lucy. Lucy Parsons is who I think of.
posted by RedEmma at 10:09 AM on July 13, 2010 [1 favorite]

Historically, sure, Lucy is a long form. But that's irrelevant, because now Lucy is considered a nickname for Lucille (etc). Nancy is no longer considered the nickname form of Ann, Molly and Polly are (in North America, at least) not generally used as nicknames for Mary and Margaret, Maud's not a nickname for Matilda, and so on, because the way nicknames are formed in English has changed.
posted by jeather at 10:14 AM on July 13, 2010 [2 favorites]

I love the name. I always think of the Nick Cave song and the CS Lewis heroine.
posted by Fiery Jack at 10:15 AM on July 13, 2010

I also wouldn't worry too much about your daughter growing up to "despise" her name.

I have a nice workable fairly common first name (see username). When I was a little girl, I wished it were cutesy and feminine like all the Emilies and Ashleys I was growing up with. When I was a rebellious and creative teenager, I wanted it to be wild and unique. I hated my name for a long time and seriously considered changing it.

But now that I'm almost 30, I actually like my name and feel like it suits me. Even enough to use it as my handle on this very website! And I have to say my parents could have done a lot worse. Chances are, unless you name her Fifi La Rue, she'll come to terms with it.
posted by Sara C. at 10:16 AM on July 13, 2010

How Many of Me says there are a lot of Lucies out there (year 2000 census data): 159,480 people in the U.S. with the first name Lucy. It also suggests Luciana as a related name, which I think sounds lovely.
posted by galadriel at 10:17 AM on July 13, 2010

when one of my co-workers started to call my other co-worker Lucy "Juicy Lucy" I was less impressed.

Annoying, but inevitable with almost any name that is even remotely distinctive, no?
posted by applemeat at 10:19 AM on July 13, 2010

It's a lovely name, and you'll find lots of little Lucies running around on playgrounds now. So don't use it if you are looking for something uncommon.

As for your referents: these will be meaningless to our kids. They'll have some other referent we can't even guess at.
posted by bluedaisy at 10:20 AM on July 13, 2010

I don't like the name, to be honest. It's cute but not all women want to be seen as cute, you know? I don't think it's a name to be taken seriously. It also makes be think of peanuts and Lucille Ball.
posted by hazyjane at 10:20 AM on July 13, 2010

Lucy is a fine name, in my opinion, and the fact that there are pop culture icons with the name make it extra-good. Who wouldn't want a name that's evocative of funny, ballsy, headstrong, and smart? (I've always wondered why "Ripley" never took off as a popular baby name for that reason.)

If you're leaning towards choosing a longer form, I'd vote for Lucinda, mostly because of my attachment to the talented singer-songwriter Lucinda Williams. It's feminine without being floral. And that can also be shortened to Cindy if she chooses, or Lu.
posted by juniperesque at 10:21 AM on July 13, 2010

now Lucy is considered a nickname for Lucille

I don't think of it that way, at all. I don't think of Lucy being a nickname for anything. It's not like Katie or Debbie where there's an obvious full/nick situation. Anyone who gets bent out of shape because You Named Your Kid A Nickname is being obnoxious, and you should ignore them. And there's a whole range of emotions that Hypothetical Lucy might have about her name as she grows up - you can't really anticipate them, so there's no point in picking a different name because of what her reaction might be.
posted by Sara C. at 10:23 AM on July 13, 2010

Reminds me of Lucy Liu who kicks ass!
posted by Omnomnom at 10:23 AM on July 13, 2010

The thing that comes to mind for "Lucy" is the daft curly blonde on Twin Peaks, and her boyfriend drawling "Looooo-seee."
posted by millipede at 10:24 AM on July 13, 2010

Lucy is fine and gaining in popularity. If you'd like a long-form name, my vote's for Lucinda, because you could also potentially shorten it to Cindy. Regardless of how you feel about the name Cindy, having multiple nickname options is great.

The only Lucia I knew pronounced it lu-chee-a. My next guesses as to pronunciation would be lu-see-a and lu-sha, in that order.
posted by Metroid Baby at 10:30 AM on July 13, 2010

Lucy has become increasingly popular in recent years and is now the 101st most popular baby girl name (as of 2009). I wouldn't be surprised if there were multiple Lucys in her school classes. That may be a plus for you (lots of women named Lucy will be in positions of power in 2040) or it may be a minus (having to go by Lucy G. or Lucy M. your entire life is annoying).
posted by decathecting at 10:30 AM on July 13, 2010

Lucy is a great name.
posted by dfan at 10:32 AM on July 13, 2010

It's a sweet name and I think it would be fine professionally, unless your last name is Goosey or something. Lucia is also very pretty.
posted by tetralix at 10:35 AM on July 13, 2010

In terms of the full/diminutive name, I think Lucy is one that stands on it's own just fine as a full name (unlike, say Katy, which I agree with k8t is not a good idea as a full name*). There are a number of names like that - for instance I am Amy, which is common as a first name but can also be a nickname for Amelia.

*FWIW, I think Kate goes just fine with a single-syllable last name...I have a friend named Katherine Peak who goes by Kate and I think it's got a nice staccato to it...according to your profile you'd be Kate Pearce and I think that's just dandy. Just my two cents.
posted by radioamy at 10:35 AM on July 13, 2010

I really like Lucy - it has all the characteristics I like in a girl's name (pretty, a little old-fashioned, not made up, easy to say and spell). However, if it is becoming more popular, I would skip it, because I like uncommon names.

That said - sometimes a name just feels right. My daughter's name breaks some of my "rules" but it just seemed right, so we went with it.

My husband spent his entire childhood being called by his middle name. He switched to using his first name as an adult because using your middle name is a huge pain in the ass.
posted by jeoc at 10:40 AM on July 13, 2010

There's a strong trend towards slightly antique-sounding names that were popular around 100 years ago: Amelia, Olive, Sadie, Clara, Ruby, Emma, etc. If you check Name Voyager, you'll see that Lucy also fits that description, which means that even if the name itself is relatively rare, it's part of a class of thematically related names that's becoming quite common, so it probably won't stand out.
posted by AlsoMike at 10:49 AM on July 13, 2010

My first thought when you say Lucy is Lucy the Elephant but that's because I live in Southern NJ. If you live in Margate, NJ, I'd say no.

Otherwise, it's a lovely name. It's commonplace enough to avoid spelling and pronunciation errors but not so common that she'll deal with being one of five Kims Lucys in her class. (sigh)

Besides, how many people 30 years ago thought Sonia sounded like a Supreme Court Justice name? Awesome changes happen.
posted by ladygypsy at 10:53 AM on July 13, 2010

I like Lucy as a name but the first 'person' I thought of was Lucy the Australopithecus. Which you know, isn't bad; just monkey-like. Then the Beatles song.

Obviously though I'm more unique in this regard than I thought. I was prepared to favourite the first comment that mentioned her but no luck (on non-preview).
posted by hydrobatidae at 10:55 AM on July 13, 2010 [1 favorite]

I think Lucy is pretty, but pretty common. I would encourage you to look into other names of common eras of popularity. I have always liked the Victorian names that are coming into fashion right now (score one me getting a baby due this week to be called Oliver).

How about Cora (or Coral) Violet, Audrey, Daphne, Ivy, Rowena (Ro), Thora or Victoria (Tori or Vicky)? I find all those strong, lovely, easy to spell and smart-sounding. Plus, freer of associations.
posted by Ambrosia Voyeur at 11:02 AM on July 13, 2010 [1 favorite]

Besides, how many people 30 years ago thought Sonia sounded like a Supreme Court Justice name? Awesome changes happen.

Which reminds me of that scene in an episode of Parks and Recreation where Tom Haverford explains why he changed his name from Darwish Sabir Ismael Gani.

"Who knew some guy named Barack Obama was gonna come along?"
posted by Sara C. at 11:04 AM on July 13, 2010 [1 favorite]

No. Don't do it. It is a goofy name. Reminds me of the name we picked if we had a boy (thank god we didn't have boys). The boy name has become a bit popular over the last few years and I cringe when I hear it. Lucy is cute and all for a girl (kind of like Molly), but she will live with it all her life. Never met a Lucy or Molly and wondered about what their parents were thinking. It's selfish. The fact that you are even asking the question should be enough reason to move on. Good luck.
posted by repoman at 11:04 AM on July 13, 2010

I know a Lucy born in 1976 who is the personfication of "cute and spunky." She was named after a great-aunt. Lucy's mother worried about the Lucy Van Pelt association, and she hopped on the Swedish crown-with-candles thing and started a sort of Swedish-wannabe tradition. Little blonde girls with candles on their heads do not invoke images of Lucy Van Pelt.
posted by jgirl at 11:07 AM on July 13, 2010

Don't give your daughter a longer name like Lucinda or Lucia expecting to call her Lucy unless you really love the longer name and will be okay with her choosing to go by that instead of the short name.

My daughter is Elizabeth. When we were deciding on names my husband wanted Alyssa (Who's the Boss crush) and I wanted Elizabeth. We compromised by naming her Elizabeth and calling her Lissa for short. Lissa lasted about a year. Then she was just Elizabeth. I don't know if she grew into her name or if we just started using her full name (including middle and last) because at that age she was getting into stuff. Lissa held on for a little while longer as a pet name until she could talk, then if you called her Lissa you'd get a "My name is Ewizabeff!" from her. When her younger cousins started talking they called her Bethy for short, and that's a name she allows them to call her. Her younger brother calls her Liz when they're being nice to each other, but he's the only one who does that.

When we decided on Elizabeth, we made sure to look it up and make sure that we liked all the nicknames that go along with it. I was okay with everything except Betsy, but even that one I was only mildly annoyed by.

TL,DR: Make sure you are just in love with the longer name 'cuz that might be what she decides she likes and wants to go by.
posted by TooFewShoes at 11:09 AM on July 13, 2010

Morwenna is a good middle name to go with Lucy, it means mermaid in Cornish, and has 'Wenna' as an excellent diminutive.
posted by By The Grace of God at 11:11 AM on July 13, 2010

I believe that Lucille is technically the diminutive (although who decides these things is beyond me). There was a Latin name Lucia and the diminutive of that was Lucilla and so it follows into English (via French).

One potential point with Lucy is that you don't get many nicknames out of it. If she doesn't like the name then you are kind of stuck (maybe she can swing something with initials). Longer names generally admit more variations. Of course, if you pick a longer name then your daughter will be called by 137 different versions of her name that she doesn't like. You can't win.

Lucy is a fine name.
posted by It's Never Lurgi at 11:24 AM on July 13, 2010

It's selfish. The fact that you are even asking the question should be enough reason to move on. Good luck.

So what are people supposed to name their daughters, if every name that any random bystander could consider "cutesy" is off limits? Does every woman born in the Anglophone world have to be Joan or Ruth or Constance?

I'm by no means saying that all women should have a cutesy-boopsie name, forever, even if they grow up to be tax attorneys. But it's a slippery slope. If Lucy is a selfish thing to name your child, what about Amy or Emily? What about names that don't end in the eee sound, but have nicknames that do and might stick (Gracie, Franny, Katie, Elly)? What about names that end in "a", which are every bit as cute and feminine as the eee names (Amelia, Laura, Rebecca)? At what point are women even allowed to exist, because god forbid our names sound cutesy to some outside observer?
posted by Sara C. at 11:24 AM on July 13, 2010 [8 favorites]

I suppose it's because I'm older, or a nerd, but I think of Lucy the hominid skeleton (named after the Beatles song, of course). I think it's a fine choice, and I'm glad it's not Ashley, Madison or Kayla.

My name is Oscar - as my unimaginative username clearly shows. You can easily guess how kids made fun of me: "weiner" and "bologna" and of course "the grouch." It was pretty awful at that age. But I love my name - it's surprisingly unique in the US. So don't fret about what might or might not happen in terms of teasing.

Oh, and Oscar is my middle name, which is all kinds of not-fun when it comes to any kind of official paperwork.
posted by O9scar at 11:26 AM on July 13, 2010

Your parents' generation will think of Lucille Ball, your own generation will think of Lucy Van Pelt, but your daughter's peers will probably not think of either of those.

I'm in my 30s, and my first thought was Kenny Rogers: "You picked a fine time to leave me, Lucille. Four hungry children, and a crop in the field." That Lucy, she's a scamp.

I love it.
posted by Knowyournuts at 11:26 AM on July 13, 2010

If you want a longer name, I'd use Lucienne.
posted by Ambrosia Voyeur at 11:28 AM on July 13, 2010 [3 favorites]

I should add that I have a very serious name - like, something a nun would be named or something, and very ethnic - non cutesy names have implications in society, too. Parents should be able to name their girls and boys for whatever reasons they want, not what society wants - and raise them with their values, not society's. That's one of the reasons for having a family.
posted by By The Grace of God at 11:29 AM on July 13, 2010 [1 favorite]

Aw! Congrats on the twins! I have triplet boys so um yeah. Anyway.

I have a Linus, so I'm somewhat partial to Lucy. I can't help it. But my son wasn't named after a Peanuts character, we just liked the name. I don't worry about what people think of the name. Do you like it? Because you'll be using it a lot.

A bigger concern for me is that your other daughter's name isn't too matchy or rhymy with that one. I think it does really matter what her name is, if we're giving advice on the other's name.
posted by pyjammy at 11:45 AM on July 13, 2010

If you go with Lucille, I'd think of the Lucilles (and the loose seal) on Arrested Development.
posted by emkelley at 11:50 AM on July 13, 2010

Oh, lord, I get the sentiment that Lucy is a perfectly fine name (and it is), however, since you asked, I would NEVER name my daughter Lucy in a million years. Teen-aged girls are BEASTS to each other, and getting worse by the day.

"loose" and "Lucy" and especially, "Loose Lucy" will make the mean girls absolutely salivate.

I wouldn't do it. Sure, kids are cruel and can make a nasty name out of anyone's name, but I wouldn't set my daughter up for that, no way in hell.

/strong opinion
posted by Grlnxtdr at 11:59 AM on July 13, 2010

Worrying about how kids in school will treat a name is pointless. They're creative, they'll find a way to harass someone with any name if they want to. As long as you don't do 100% of their work for them and name your kid "Shit" or something, it's just not an issue.

Personally I think of the Beatles song first, and then probably Charlie Brown. But I doubt many kids today have heard of either of those, much less Lucille Ball.
posted by wildcrdj at 12:00 PM on July 13, 2010

*kids are BEASTS to each other. Teenaged ones are especially horrible.
posted by Grlnxtdr at 12:00 PM on July 13, 2010

To those people worried about "Loose Lucy" or "Juicy Lucy" peer teasing, I point you toward this SNL skit. You can make any name into a horrid slur, if you try.
posted by jbickers at 12:04 PM on July 13, 2010 [1 favorite]

I know a Lucilla (where the ll is said like y) that goes by Lucy; I think it's a beautiful name.
posted by shmurley at 12:20 PM on July 13, 2010

My almost 2 year old is Lucy Elizabeth, so I think it's adorable, obviously. I didn't name my oldest daughter Lucy because I didn't think I should use a nickname as a first name and I hate Lucille and Lucinda. But with the third child, I decided not to care about that and named her just Lucy anyway. My two older kids loved the name Lucy and insisted, so we went with it. Everyone who asks her name seems to love it, although there are starting to be more of them, I find. There are a lot of dogs named Lucy, though. Lucy seems old fashioned enough to not be seen as too nick-namey to me.

HOWEVER! We were about to name the baby Lucy Ann after my great-great grandmother Lucianna (our last name isn't at all Spanish and it begins with an A so the name ending in A sounded terrible. The great grandmother's nickname was "Chana") and someone pointed out that we'd be naming the baby "Louzianne"(like the brand of tea) or "Louisiana" So, Lucy Elizabeth it is. Which she now pronounces, "Yucy Bizabiz."
posted by artychoke at 12:24 PM on July 13, 2010 [1 favorite]

I dont like it. Sounds like a bit of a joke name. Sounds like the kind of 'normal' name someone would use for a pet.

Just saying.
posted by Neonshock at 12:26 PM on July 13, 2010

I love the name but would be remiss if I didn't remind you of the scene in Cool Hand Luke where George Kennedy comments on a beautiful young woman, "Anything so innocent and built like that just gotta be named Lucille."
posted by workerant at 12:49 PM on July 13, 2010

Just because no-one else has mentioned it yet, I love the name Lucy because I always associate it with the Wordsworth poems.
posted by raspberry-ripple at 1:30 PM on July 13, 2010

As a possibly-helpful datapoint, my wife and I have a six-year-old named Lucy. We also have twin girls (3yo), and I can understand the tension in naming twins. (We ended up with a convoluted parents'-paternal-great-grandmothers' names as first names and parents'-maternal-great-grandmothers' names as middle names scheme, that worked, luckily, but took Bletchley Park levels of thinking to develop. Anyway, this isn't about the twins. This is about Lucy.)

In short: We couldn't be happier with our decision to name our daughter Lucy.

Since a lot's been covered in this thread, I'll just throw some info out there, and if you want me to extrapolate, just let me know, either in this thread or by MeFi Mail. Always happy to talk.

We named our Lucy "Lucy", rather than "Lucille" or other, longer names. We just liked it more, and felt like it was a friendlier name. Every once in a while, when filling out paperwork, the secretary / whomever will pause, or ask us if "Lucy" is her given name or if it's something longer, but it really does NOT cause any problems, whatsoever. My wife is a "Sarah", and it takes more time to explain that it's "Sarah-with-an-h" than any explanations about Lucy's name.

When we were considering names (we, too, didn't pre-announce names (with either pregnancy), although we did pre-announce that each of our babies was a girl), I wasn't sold on Lucy as a name. Honestly, I can't remember what other names I was thinking about, but I know that I wasn't totally on-board with "Lucy". It wasn't until she was actually born (and possibly several hours old?) that I felt that, yes, she was, indeed, a "Lucy." (As a side anecdote, Lucy means "bringer of light", and ours was born at dawn on the first day of spring.)

At the time, we didn't know any other kids named Lucy, and we were eager to have a familiar-but-not-overly-common name. Since then, as it's been referenced above, it's become a more popular name, but I think it's still fairly unique. I feel like it's nowhere near as common as a lot of names (Sarah/Julie/Lauren/Anne/etc.). Also, it doesn't have a "contemporary" (read: soon-to-feel-dated) sound to it. It doesn't sound like a name that's "trying" to be anything. It's just ... Lucy.

Our Lucy is strong, curious, funny, adventurous, and friendly as hell. We think it's the perfect name for her.

Let me know if I can help with your deliberations at all.
posted by Alt F4 at 1:38 PM on July 13, 2010 [1 favorite]

How bizarre, my wife and I had twin girls two months ago, we each got to pick a name, and I picked Lucy. I've received nothing but compliments so far.

For me it was a family name (two great-grandmothers), but I happen to like it a lot anyways.
posted by look busy at 1:50 PM on July 13, 2010

I think it is a fine name. Though I don't know any Lucies personally, but when I hear it I think of the Dead's Loose Lucy and BB King's Lucille. To add to the connotation with a dog's name, the movie Wendy and Lucy comes to mind.
posted by pappy at 1:51 PM on July 13, 2010

Hi, I'm Lucy. No, it's not a nickname. I like it. Everyone thinks it's uncommon and I get complimented on it a lot. At the same time, there is no confusion asto how it is pronounced. It is a winner, I love it.
posted by piratebowling at 2:09 PM on July 13, 2010 [1 favorite]

I grew up in Northern Italy and Saint Lucy's Day festivities are some of my fondest memories of childhood.

As far as I'm concerned, Lucy is a fine name. It's not a diminutive and you can find plenty of nicknames for it if you so choose. Lulu, Lue, hell, you can call her Bug as long as it's affectionate.

There are many more important things to focus on if you want her to be Supreme Justice. Raise her to be independent and strong, honest and brave, and keenly aware of her power to fight injustice. Her name doesn't matter, her attitude does.
posted by lydhre at 2:12 PM on July 13, 2010

Lucy is fine. Like workerant, I'm reminded of Cool Hand Luke but that's not a bad thing.
posted by Rash at 2:38 PM on July 13, 2010

k8t, I feel for you. I am legally "Katie" which is the stupidest, most thoughtless thing my mother could have done. I have always only been known as Kate as an adult but every once in a while Katie comes out of nowhere and bites me in the ass.
posted by kate blank at 2:46 PM on July 13, 2010

My daughter's middle name is Lucinda. We didn't come up with it til a few days after she was born while her first name had been set in stone for some time, but I think I secretly wish her first name had been Lucinda. (But then I probably would have ended up calling her Lou-Lou as a pet name and knowing my luck, it would have stuck.)

Re: the fame thing. That same daughter's first name and surname are the same as a mega-famous old time movie star. Her father and I couldn't decide on any other first name that we both liked, even though I worried she'd be teased mercilessly or hate it - or us! - with a vengeance. But now, aged 11, none of her friends even know who the old movie star was, AFAIK she's never been teased about it, and older people comment favourably (she has similar physical characteristics to the move star too). It's a great way for people to remember her.

Now I've just gotta find a prince from Monaco to marry her.
posted by malibustacey9999 at 3:40 PM on July 13, 2010

You're daughter's name is Grace Kelly? Bad ass! This is going to be really exciting when she's old enough to google herself.
posted by Sara C. at 3:51 PM on July 13, 2010 [1 favorite]

Our oldest is Lucille. She's 5 1/2 and we call her Lucy, Luce, Lucy Goose and Lulu.

I want to point out that in our 5 1/2 years of having a Lucy and meeting many other Lucies, we have yet to meet another kid Lucille. For whatever that is worth.
posted by 58 at 5:57 PM on July 13, 2010

Growing up as a Sarah, there wasn't really an automatic nickname, so I had to shorten it myself to differentiate from the millions of other Sarahs. So I like the idea of giving her a longer name so that she has options, especially if Lucy is as popular these days as other posters have made it out to be.

Lucille makes me think of Arrested Development, but that probably won't be a problem for kids of her generation. Lucia makes me think of The Ghost and Mrs Muir, which is kind of cool, but that's just because I read it as "loo-chee-uh" rather than "loo-see-uh".
posted by srah at 6:02 PM on July 13, 2010

Lucy is a great name, and I like Lucia for a longer name. She'll be glad her name is in a song. It was always the bane of my childhood (existence?) that my name is not in any songs.
posted by questionsandanchors at 6:27 PM on July 13, 2010

I just want to reemphasize that Lucy has become a dog name. My sister also has a dog name (Chloe) and she really doesn't like that aspect of it. It's weird to be walking along the street and hear someone calling your name and realize they're talking to a dog.

That being said, if you still like the name but want to go a little more unusual, Lucine is an Armenian name that could be nicknamed to Lucy and doesn't sound too off the wall or exotic.
posted by little light-giver at 7:42 PM on July 13, 2010

Is it a reasonable thing to do to name a girl Lucy in 2010?

Most names are reasonable whether or not they're popular now (or ever have been). The only time parents should be ashamed of what they've named their child is if they've gone the whole 'Moonunit Pixie Sky Captain Geronimo' route .. picking random cutesy words or various inanimate objects to name your kid after. Soda. Seven. As long as a name is fairly easy to pronounce and spell and it isn't just asking for a bully beat-down, you're fine (because kids ARE nasty in school and if there's ANY small thing that they can use to ridicule you, they will.. At least that was my personal experience).

Lucy is DEFINITELY not one of those names. It's a classic, perfectly respectable name. And who cares what other people think (especially a bunch of strangers on the internet)!
posted by Mael Oui at 8:12 PM on July 13, 2010

She'll be glad her name is in a song.

My name is the name of the main female characters in two of the most popular movie musicals of the 1960s. Both musicals feature a song that repeats my name over and over again. The next person to sing either song to me (though one irritates me more than the other), will probably not make it out of my vicinity alive. Seriously, if you have a bunch of annoying people (often strangers who just learned your name) singing an overly saccharine song to you for over twenty years.... grrr.... (sorry for the off-topic!)
posted by Mael Oui at 8:21 PM on July 13, 2010

My nine year old Lucy likes her name. It is common enough so that everyone has heard of it/can spell it, and often will know another Lucy, but rare enough that there aren't six others in the same class.
This is the case in Australia.
posted by bystander at 11:29 PM on July 13, 2010

Hi, I'm a 28 year old Lucy. I've met more dogs with my name, I've been called 'loose' by the mean girls (and once by a sleazy customer) and I've had "Lucy in the Sky" sung to me more times than I can count. I'm also a professional (I really don't get the 'cutesy' aspect of my name ruling out career paths) and a librarian (for that extra alliteration). I really do like my name and I pretty much always have. Like a lot of people said, it's reasonably uncommon yet not hard to remember/pronounce/spell.

So yeah, I think it's fine. Not a diminutive, not terribly embarrassing and if it works, it works. I'm named after my father's mother and my middle name is my mother's mother's name and THAT one is far more embarrassing and weird.

It is becoming more common though and while working in a school it would always give me a start to hear "LUCY PUT YOUR SHOES BACK ON" bellowed across the playground because until then I had never ever met another person with the same name.
posted by geek anachronism at 2:51 AM on July 14, 2010

It never occurs to me that Lucy is a diminutive - just like Daisy is a name in its own right now (short for Margaret at one time) it's become a name in itself. After all, girls get named Lulu rather than Louise. I even work with a man christened Danny, not Daniel.

It seems slightly old-fashioned to me (I'm in the UK though) but in a good way - Audrey is a name making a big come-back in the States but which seems dowdy over here still, if you see what I mean. I have a name that's slightly old-fashioned for my age group, and so it felt a bit unusual and I never could find personalised things with it on when I was a kid - no such problems for a Lucy. The other connotation for me is a little bit posh. I don't think there's anything cutesy about it at all, it's a sweet name that has often belonged to fearsome women.
posted by mippy at 7:17 AM on July 14, 2010

Aww, I love the name. My mom used to always give the name Lucy when she had to give a name at restaurants and stores because she thought it was easier for non-native english speakers to say than her name. I always thought of it as her spunky alter-ego.
posted by thankyouforyourconsideration at 10:58 AM on July 14, 2010 [1 favorite]

Yes. But I may be biased :)
posted by Lucie at 4:05 AM on July 23, 2010

FWIW, I'm a 30-year-old Lucy, I have never been teased about my name ('loose' etc, just isn't the worst thing a girl can be called) and I don't think it sounds 'unprofessional'. Lucy is my full name (not short for Lucille, etc, as I was named after the character in the Narnia series). Over the years, I have had lots of people say they love my name.

I have noticed that quite a few people tend to name their dogs 'Lucy', but it doesn't bother me. I think it's kind of silly as a dog name, actually, rather than the other way round. I also had never met another Lucy until about 10 years ago, though it seems to be getting much more popular now.
posted by Lucie at 4:20 AM on July 23, 2010

FYI, folks, I'm 'anonymous', and on Friday the 13th of August we had our baby girls, Lucy and Elena. Here's the announcement (pick your flavor -- mine is 'His').

Thanks for all the great feedback!
posted by gurple at 12:30 PM on August 23, 2010 [2 favorites]

Give 'em hell, Lucy!

By the way, BAD ASS birth announcement concept!
posted by Sara C. at 5:45 PM on August 23, 2010

Awesome, awesome, awesome. Congrats on their birth and imminent takeover of our hearts and ... um ... souls. Best of luck as they level-up in weight and hitpoints.
posted by Alt F4 at 7:34 PM on August 23, 2010

Well. I'm not sure why I'm posting this here. I doubt anyone will ever see it. But my daughter Lucy died on September 8, in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, of necrotizing enterocolitis that appears to have been brought on by an antibiotic-resistant strain of E. coli. Her sister Elena is still in the hospital, in the step-down unit, doing mostly OK. She will hopefully come home in early October.

So it goes.
posted by gurple at 4:37 PM on September 21, 2010

Gurple, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Our thoughts are with you and your family.

posted by PhoBWanKenobi at 5:01 PM on September 21, 2010

Oh gurple, I'm so so sorry.
posted by elsietheeel at 5:31 PM on September 21, 2010

Jesus I'm so sorry.
posted by A Terrible Llama at 5:48 PM on September 21, 2010

I'm so sorry for your loss.
posted by Alt F4 at 6:04 PM on September 21, 2010 sorry. Hugs to you and your wife and little Elena.
posted by desuetude at 6:51 PM on September 21, 2010

Oh Gurple I'm so sorry. Peace to you & your family.
posted by headnsouth at 6:56 PM on September 21, 2010

Dammit. I'm so sorry, Gurple.
posted by SuperSquirrel at 7:10 PM on September 21, 2010

gurple, I'm so sorry to hear this. All my good wishes to you and yours.
posted by LobsterMitten at 7:27 PM on September 21, 2010

So sorry to hear this. Wishing you comfort and peace.
posted by Wordwoman at 9:10 PM on September 21, 2010

We see it and we care, gurple. I'm so sorry.
posted by The corpse in the library at 5:48 AM on September 22, 2010

Gurple, she was and is so loved. Wishing you, your wife and Elena all of my best wishes for strength, now and in the months to come.
posted by Madamina at 8:18 AM on September 22, 2010

Thanks, everybody.
posted by gurple at 2:55 PM on September 22, 2010

I am so sorry.
posted by kate blank at 7:01 PM on September 22, 2010

I am so sorry.
posted by thankyouforyourconsideration at 5:43 PM on September 23, 2010

I'm so sorry to hear this.

posted by artychoke at 9:20 PM on September 23, 2010

Oh no. I'm so, so sorry. Love and light to you; I'll light a candle, if it's OK.
posted by KathrynT at 10:40 PM on September 23, 2010

I'm so sorry. Best wishes to you and Elena.
posted by mippy at 1:32 AM on September 24, 2010

Oh, no. I am so very sorry.
posted by By The Grace of God at 6:34 AM on September 24, 2010

I'm so, so sorry for your loss. NEC is an awful thing, I've seen too many babies lost to it. Your family is in my thoughts.
posted by pyjammy at 10:03 AM on September 24, 2010

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