Most affordable steroid nasal spray?
July 8, 2010 9:29 PM   Subscribe

Which is the cheapest of the prescription steroid nasal sprays?

Paying $80/month for Nasacort is almost as awful as skipping it and not being able to breathe. I have a doctor's appointment coming up and would like to be prepared to ask her for a different prescription - there are so many different brands of steroid nasal spray, there has to be one that I can better afford.

Do you pay less for yours? Which one is it?
posted by hyperfascinated to Health & Fitness (7 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Flonase (fluticasone propionate) comes in generic. Works great for me.
posted by zsazsa at 9:44 PM on July 8, 2010

Second fluticasone. Side effect: bitter taste that you quickly get used to. Costs me $11/month, could probably find it cheaper if you looked.
posted by miyabo at 10:29 PM on July 8, 2010

Whatever you get, see if you have a mail-order option. Mine gives me three months of meds for the price of two.

I use a steroid sinus rinse for nasal polyps. It's a compound and I can't get mail-order, and I get 6-8 weeks' worth for about $50.

posted by Gorgik at 10:45 PM on July 8, 2010

I also switched to generic fluticasone, and it works. I pay $8 a month, with insurance, 90-day mail order.
posted by cabingirl at 4:54 AM on July 9, 2010

My girlfriend has some really bad asthma issues, and she's pregnant. One of her breathing scripts, with insurance copay, was going to cost her $170.00 a month, the other option was $150/month.

We'll do whatever we have to do, of course, but I remembered a Metafilter question once about searching out Canadian pharmacies, found a question where multiple users recommended, and I went there to look for her meds. Long story short, we're getting the better one, 2 months worth, for $28.

So, for what it's worth, it looks like you can get 2 months of Nasacort there for $45 bucks.120 doses, I'm assuming for you that's 60 days worth. Anyway, I'm in no way affiliated w/ them---but they'll even accept a copy of your last pharmacy receipt as your script. know, it is what it is.
posted by TomMelee at 6:11 AM on July 9, 2010

I highly recommend not using online "Canada" pharmacies. They are completely unregulated, if they make you sick or worse there is no liability, and they may neither be "Canadian" nor actually "pharmacies". Buyer beware.
posted by SassHat at 7:04 AM on July 9, 2010


My Ear Nose & Throat (ENT) doc had me on nasal steroids, as you were. Mostly for polyps. He removed two, about 3 years ago, and the larger was about the size of my leg.

Since then, I've had NO polyp buds. Here's what he recommended, and I do:

NeilMed Nasal rinse bottle
(NOT a Neti Pot). For the solution to lavage (wash out) your nose, you can use their packets, or make your own solution, as I do.

Pulmicort, one ampoule per NeilMed bottle (mine is 16 oz). ( Pulmicort is a prescription med for lung inhaling via an atomizer. We're not using it that way. )

Use this for a nasal lavage twice per day, using 1/2 the bottle each time.

My ENT doc recently told me that if I were traveling, I could use a nasal spray, instead of the lavage mixture. I told him "never mind" I, and my nose and sinuses, love the regimen. First thing I pack when I travel.

Ask your doctor about this regimen.
posted by mbarryf at 9:27 AM on July 9, 2010

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