Mobile phone games
March 3, 2005 3:26 PM   Subscribe

What sites or companies does anyone trust in regards to sending / downloading games to mobile devices?

I've looked at and among other places, but I'm just not finding what I am looking for. (games that work on my phone, or a site that doesn't look fishy)
What sites do you trust enough to give your mobile number to, as well as payment information?
I use a Nokia 3650 on T-Mobile in the US, and just want to play a little Tetris, maybe even some Pitfall!.
posted by Lizc to Computers & Internet (1 answer total)
Handango have been around for a long time - I've bought from them before. Shapes is the most addictive Tetris-type game I've ever played. Fantastic stuff.
posted by blag at 4:57 PM on March 3, 2005

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