Using Wikipedia content and photos in an iPhone application
March 20, 2010 12:07 PM   Subscribe

Using Wikipedia content and photos in an iPhone application. How to proceed?

I've started an iPhone application, it's a location specific reference, and I'd like to use both info and photos from Wikipedia in addition to my own content. My questions related to this are:

a) Can I charge for this app. My understanding is that yes, I can.
b) What licenses do I have to use or would suite me best?
c) Can I attribute separate licenses based on content?
d) Do I have to notify anyone?
e) What are the risks or what else should I be considering?
posted by furtive to Law & Government (1 answer total)
In general you are free to re-use Wikipedia content (except that which is copyrighted by others and used in Wikipedia under "fair use", such as song clips, famous photograhs, etc.) in any type of setting, including commercial ones where you charge money, with the stipulation that you must label the content as being licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license. See this page (look under "Information for re-users")
posted by ctab at 3:09 PM on March 20, 2010

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