Lost in the jungle
January 18, 2010 2:36 PM   Subscribe

I'm currently in Medellin, Colombia and am flying to Letitica in the Amazon in just under two weeks. What gear do I need to buy?

I will be in the Amazon for a maximum of two weeks, and my plan is to spend some time in Leticia / Tabatinga, 2 or 3 days in a jungle lodge and then the fast boat to Iquitos in Peru and from there take a 4 or 5 day boat to another town in Peru (there are 2 or 3 options) to get on the road system and away.

I have been out today and bought some lightweight long sleeve tops, will buy a hammock for the boat, strong DEET spray and a mosquito net, but apart form that am at a loss what I will need.

I have a sleeping bag, a clockwork torch, solar charger and a pair of solid Salomon walking shoes but which are not waterproofed but I have no rain gear to speak of. What else must I not forget to buy? Ordering online is not an option, and everything will have to be bought in Medellin or Bogota.
posted by jontyjago to Travel & Transportation around Medellin, Colombia (3 answers total)
I always carry a compass; you might want that.
Get a journal, and several books. You'll have long stretches to fill.
Sounds like a great time. Have fun!
posted by mixer at 8:16 PM on January 18, 2010

Oh, maybe try to find a copy of The Lost City of Z. Perfect reading.
posted by mixer at 8:17 PM on January 18, 2010

If you could find a decent gore-tex rain kit (jacket & pants) that might make you a bit more comfy, assuming you get stuck in a downpour at some point. Granted, you're unlikely to get hypothermia if you do get soaked, but the humidity will prevent you from drying out quickly. To me, being soggy/damp/clammy is worse than most other discomforts. Same thing goes for your shoes - wet shoes = wet socks (even if you change into dry ones), which = pruny, easily damaged skin. Bad blisters will make the next few weeks miserable & you open yourself up to infection, particularily in that climate. Try to find a product to at least somewhat water proof your shoes. (New shoes or boots might be a mistake depending on amt. of walking & break-in time.)

Otherwise, I always take a couple of long sleeve, button down 'SPF' shirts on my treks, but it sounds like you have that more or less covered...

Also: SPF & a hat. Even if the sun doesn't hate you like it does me, a hat is indespensible - keeps the sun/wind/rain out of your eyes, helps prevent heat stroke, & keeps gross, unwashed jungle-trek hair out of your face.

God, I'm so jealous right now.....Have a blast!
posted by East Siberian patchbelly wrangler at 9:18 PM on January 18, 2010

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