Please help me find a missing Garageband file on my computer!
January 8, 2010 11:07 AM   Subscribe

Please help me find a missing Garageband file on my computer!

I need an uncompressed version of a song file for a project. I've been searching for it on my Powerbook G4 for some time now, with no luck. The file I'm looking for is an AIFF Garageband file.

The issue is this: I have the mp3 version, but like I almost always do, I renamed the track when I exported it to iTunes - because since GB forces you to name files right when you create them, they always end up with names like "Tuesday song V. III" and "c# idea" and such. Thus, I have no idea what the file is called.

I have gone through EVERY garageband file I could find on my computer (in the many hundreds), with no luck. I'm at a loss. I can't conceive of ever having deleted it. My only stroke of genius didn't work - I checked the modification date on the mp3 and tried to match it to a date of a GB file, but there was no GB file from that date, let one that month.

Anyone have any brilliant ideas on how to find it? Can iTunes somehow tell you what a song was originally called? Hope me!
posted by ORthey to Computers & Internet (2 answers total)
Are the AIFF and mp3 versions exactly the same length? If so, you might be able to manually search for sound files of the right length (e.g., in iTunes just have the songs display by Time).
posted by googly at 11:11 AM on January 8, 2010

In my experience, OS X's built-in search function is remarkably awful, often failing to locate files that I end up manually discovering a couple minutes later. These days I always resort to find.

Try opening a Terminal window and typing this:

find / -iname "*.aif?" 2>/dev/null

which should print an exhaustive list of all the AIFF files on your disk. (All the AIFF files that you have permission to open, anyway. This shouldn't be an issue, as long as you didn't, say, log in as another user to record the track.)

Good luck!
posted by decagon at 10:15 AM on January 16, 2010

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