Looking for Grey Cup streaming feeds
November 29, 2009 12:25 PM   Subscribe

Would any Canadian Mefier's have a slingbox feed/stream that I could use for the Grey Cup tonight?

I'm hosting a Grey Cup party tonight in London and have purchased the live stream from TSN, but as I had some technical difficulties last weekend for the Semifinal games I'm looking for some backup feeds just in case.

Would anyone be able to help out a group of Expats in London watch the big game tonight?

(mods: not sure if this is bending the AskMe guidelines so feel free to delete if so)
posted by smcniven to Technology (1 answer total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: Yeah, it's really not okay to use askme for this sort of thing. -- cortex

Montreal 10 Saskatchewan 17 with 7:39 left in the third quarter.

(I hate to see a question go unanswered).
posted by BozoBurgerBonanza at 5:48 PM on November 29, 2009

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