My hair looks ridiculous.
October 10, 2009 9:48 AM   Subscribe

I just moved to the UK and desperately need a haircut. Do you know a good salon and/or stylist in either Birmingham or Oxford that can do well with short, very thick, straight hair? (I am a girl)

I'm looking for somewhere moderately priced and stylish (but not too trendy or too snooty). I'm accustomed to a place that did well with modern haircuts and always made good recommendations for my hair and face. I am usually happy to try out new styles, but have no idea what would actually look good on me specifically. I never know how to answer when they ask me what I want done. I loved my old place because I could sit down and ask the stylist what she would do with my hair if I gave her free reign (and I usually did).

Mostly, I need to find a stylist I can trust to suggest and execute a good cut that will complement my face and grow out well. I know these are basic salon requirements, but I'm new around here and have no idea where to begin. Any suggestions? I will be traveling between Birmingham and Oxford all week, so suggestions in either location are welcome. Thanks.

*Bonus question: what should I expect to pay for a woman's cut in a salon?
posted by Eumachia L F to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (5 answers total)
I have female friends who go to Mahogany (there are three in Oxford), and you can usually find a Tony and Guy (which a franchised upscale salon) in any city, including Oxford (it's on George St) and doubtless Birmingham. In Tony and Guy they vary prices based on the rank/experience of the stylist. (Of course experience does not necessarily mean you'll get what you want.)

Maybe I'm out of the loop, but I get the impression girls pay £30-£60, depending on what they're having done. Most guy's pay no more than £20. If that seems expensive then the good news is you don't tip your stylist over here.
posted by caek at 10:29 AM on October 10, 2009

Sorry, Toni and Guy.
posted by caek at 10:31 AM on October 10, 2009

For Oxford, I've generally found Mahogany to be a bit pricey and hard to get a decent appointment for. They may suit you fine, but as an alternative you may want to try Matthew Clulee (in central Oxford and also in Headington).

(also, I've had nothing but awful experiences with the George St Toni & Guy in Oxford. YMMV)
posted by AbsoluteDestiny at 4:12 PM on October 10, 2009

£30-60 sounds about right to me. I really liked Marie at Brothers (on the High in Oxford), I usually just trusted her to do what she thought would work, and I always got a cut I was happy with. Caveat: I have very thin, very fine, wavy hair cut in a bob.
posted by iona at 5:11 PM on October 10, 2009

I have friends who like Mahogany in Oxford, but the one time I went, I got a really terrible and overpriced haircut. I've been to Anne Veck twice with a friend (I have thin straight hair and she has very thick & curly hair) and we were both happy with our cuts and stylists. They also have 20% off student discounts on Mondays and Wednesday, so it's more affordable than a lot of places.
posted by Kirjava at 10:08 AM on October 11, 2009

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