She sings La Vuelta electric
September 9, 2009 11:56 PM   Subscribe

Who sings the intro theme for La Vuelta a Espana TV coverage?

So I'm a minor cycling fan, and I've been staying up late to watch La Vuelta a Espana (I'm in Japan, where coverage is only from 11pm to 1am -- I know, I don't even get to see a full stage!). Anyhow, the coverage always starts with a really cool CGX clip that has a fat red line or arrow zipping through digitized maps of Holland and Belgium, then down to Spain, then things get all blurry and underwatery -- I wish I could provide a YouTube link, but I couldn't find one, and I know my description is horrible. I really apologize.

More dazzling than the clip (you'll just have to trust me on that) is the female voice singing, I believe in Spanish, over the video. Its a quite high, lilting (or maybe I mean slightly warbling) voice, and I think I can hear the word Vuelta, so I don't think it's a popular song, but something written for the race theme. Just a really amazing voice, and would like to know who it is so I can buy some of her music. Thanks, and sorry for my really cruddy description.
posted by Bixby23 to Media & Arts (1 answer total)
Best answer: Sorry, I guess my, erm, YouTubeFoo was off, if that's even possible. Anyhow, I found the answer to my question. T'was Zahara, who, although I'm not familiar with, appears to be pretty hot stuff in Spain. The song is called "Merezco" and there's not a "Vuelta" anywhere in the lyrics, so not sure what I heard.

In case anyone's curious, the Vuelta a Espana commercial featuring her in voice and person is here, with apologies for unduly consuming the time of the hive mind:
posted by Bixby23 at 8:03 AM on September 10, 2009

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