Rockin' Mexico
August 12, 2009 4:16 PM   Subscribe

GuitarFilter! I'm going to Mexico in september and i want to buy a guitar. Coming from Germany, are guitars much cheaper there? I specifically want to buy a Taylor Baby guitar (280 euros in germany), or should i buy a handmade one that mexico is so famous for? :p
posted by freddymetz to Shopping (4 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Buying musical instruments you plan to play, is hardly ever just a financial decision, based on exchange rate, local costs, shipping and customs duties. It also comes down to intangible factors, like what you will do with a Mexican guitar, if you find the bridge coming off in 5 years, when you are back in Germany. Warranty support and service in your local area usually quickly overcomes any savings on foreign exchange and tax, for low priced goods. A possible souvenir guitar purchase decision also depends on the regard you might have for a lovely locally made instrument, that also reminds you of a fine vacation, every time you strum a chord.

It wouldn't make a lot of sense to buy a Baby Taylor in Mexico, since Taylor is a US company, but if you want to try, Hermes Music is the only Taylor authorized agent in Mexico. If you're going to be in or around Mexico City, you could stop in and compare various guitars, including ones of Mexican manufacture at the Hermes Music store.

There are many very fine handmade Mexican guitars, but in your price range, you are generally not going to be getting this level of craft. In many shops, you'll be getting, at best, a mass market mariachi instrument: highly decorated, but not very playable tourist souvenirs, made to look "Mexican." If you do make it inland to Morelia, or better yet Paracho, you may find shops with non-commissioned "speculation" instruments for sale, at, or a little above, your price range. Negotiate, in a respectful, friendly way, and you may find yourself happily united with a student instrument that will satisfy your needs for many years.
posted by paulsc at 10:49 PM on August 12, 2009

If you're in the north part of Mexico (and depending on passports etc.) you could drive into the US, but even there, I don't think it's going to be worth your trouble on a strict financial basis.

Example: Guitar Center's price for a Baby Taylor is $299, about 210 euros. So that's maybe a 30% discount, but once you factor in driving, car rentals, luggage charges, and so on, I doubt you'd save a penny.

As paulsc said, shop for interesting locally-made guitars but don't bet on any deals on Taylors.
posted by mmoncur at 11:13 PM on August 12, 2009

Also, getting the new guitar past German customs without having to pay extra tax will require some planning ahead. If you have to pay extra import tax, this may negate any money you saved by buying it in Mexico/USA. Trust me on this. Die Jungs sind nicht ganz doof. They will google your guitar to see prices and will possibly run the serial number in a database they have to determine the date of manufacture to see if it is new or used.

My friend took stickers with him that had German bands and German writing on them. Then once he had a new guitar case, kicked it around a bit and scuffed it up, put on the stickers and scuffed it up a bit more. This made it look like he was bringing it back into Germany. He had no problems.

Also, If you still want to bring a guitar back with you, you need to first find out what the airline's policy is with guitar cases and how they are checked in. Also, you may be asked to pay extra if you are over your bag limit.
  • Can you carry it on as hand luggage and stow it in the closet? If the flight is not full, maybe. This is the best option.
  • Are you allowed to carry it to the plane and have them put it in the hold when you get onboard? I have done this a few times with no problems.
  • Do you have to check the guitar in as luggage when you check in? If so, forget it. Just bite the grass and cough up the extra money and get it in Germany.

posted by chillmost at 1:00 AM on August 13, 2009

Response by poster: im going to be living fairly close to paracho by the way!
posted by freddymetz at 5:33 AM on August 13, 2009

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