funding art school in europe
June 26, 2009 6:56 AM   Subscribe

How can an American beginning (art) school in an EU country get a scholarship from sources in the US?

as is common in europe, the school doesn't provide for international students, who are expected to pay full tuition (though the amount in substantially less than it would be in the states). this concerns a masters degree & the candidate is (male) south-east asian, so can conceivably be classified as a minority. both the target school and his undergraduate one are prominent universities.
posted by breadfruit to Education (1 answer total)
I teach finance part time in London, so this will be a UK specific response.

The British Council has created an overview booklet documenting sources of funds for UK studies in the UK [ .pdf ]

The British Council offers scholarships for folks directly impacted by the 911 attacks.

Chevning offer international scholarships to candidates who have been selected by the British Embassy/British High Commission.

Perhaps less specific to the needs of international students, HotCourses (a periodical available on newstands in the UK which documents courses on offer) have a search facility.

If these aren't appropriate perhaps you can post the country so subsequent answers can be more specific.
posted by Mutant at 8:36 AM on June 26, 2009

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