Multiplayer games for a couple with different interests!
June 10, 2009 6:33 PM   Subscribe

Please help us find a fairly recent multi-player game that we can both enjoy! Details and specifics inside.

My husband is a pretty hardcore gamer, and we'd like to play a multi-player game as a way of incorporating his interest into spending time together. I checked out a lot of the previous threads, but none of them seem to address my question exactly. Plus, I'm also interested in more recent games as well. I've done my fair share of gaming in the past, but my interests are much more narrowly defined than my husband's. My preferences don't tend to overlap with games that are typically multiplayer, though we're both willing to compromise on our typical game interests if we can find something we both enjoy a reasonable amount. We're getting completely frustrated trying to find games that fit the bill, even though we have quite a few systems to choose from.

We have an X-box 360, Wii, and 2 laptops available to us. We also have an old PS2, but we'd prefer not to have to dig that out of the closet if possible. We've tried a bunch of things before to address this desire to game together. Most significantly, we've checked out the WOW/Guildwars/etc crowd. I find it completely boring after about 20 minutes, and I'm not really interested in playing something that takes a super amount of time/commitment to do right. I also really disliked the repetitive nature of the game. We did play through some old school stuff on the Wii, mostly Super Mario 3 in co-op mode, though turn-based was a significant drawback to that game.

Here's a little bit more about our interests:

He: Loves strategy games and really enjoys the MMORPG stuff. He blew his way through the Guild Wars/WOW for a long time after my interest waned. He prefers games where you build characters (or something else) up over time. He's willing to be pretty flexible about what we play. Some favorite games: Medal of Honor series, WOW, Civilization, Super Mario Galaxy, Command and Conquer

She: Is an adventure gamer first and foremost. Also enjoys puzzle games couched within a story, and platformers are welcome too. Willing to play more action-oriented games so long as they don't include constant realistic violence/tedious and repetitive bashing. HATES Mario Kart type games, and prefers cooperative games to player vs player. Some favorite games: Grim Fandango, Monkey Island series, (other old Lucas Arts games), The Longest Journey, Super Paper Mario, Portal

We appreciate any and all suggestions. Thanks for your help!
posted by theantikitty to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (19 answers total) 6 users marked this as a favorite
Maybe too obvious: I've always found adventure games fun to play with another person. The problem with them, fun though they may be, is that sometimes you just get stuck. Working out the puzzle games together makes you less likely to get stuck.

Telltale Games is the current big name in puzzle adventure games.
posted by lore at 6:49 PM on June 10, 2009

have you tried lego star wars? my boyfriend and i had the funnest time with that. we also really enjoyed castle crashers. these are both certainly more action than adventure, but their cartoony charm and hidden things to find really scratched an itch with me.
posted by nadawi at 6:50 PM on June 10, 2009 [1 favorite]

oh - and while it isn't 2 player and you would have to switch off - we sunk untold hours this last month into Plants vs Zombies. one person would play and the other would watch, transfixed, occasionally yelling "THERE'S A BEHEMOTH!" or "YOU'RE ABOUT TO LOSE A TALLNUT, PUT A PUMPKIN ON IT!!!!" great fun had by all.
posted by nadawi at 6:52 PM on June 10, 2009

It's repetitive certainly, but Rock Band 2, has gotten both myself and my fiance way more addicted then we ever thought it would. Seems like a simple, somewhat stupid premise, but man, is it fun. Cooperative play, too.
posted by Rewind at 7:04 PM on June 10, 2009

Does it have to be a computer game ? What about some old school board game such as carcasonne, ticket to ride or hive. All fun games that can be played by 2 or more people...
posted by Ponzimoon at 7:15 PM on June 10, 2009

I agree with Nadawi, you should absolutely try the Lego games: Lego Star Wars, Lego Indiana Jones and Lego Batman.

In a similar vein, you might enjoy The Simpson's Game.
posted by shesbookish at 7:17 PM on June 10, 2009

Both Wii:

Wario Ware: Smooth Moves
Boom Blox
posted by rhizome at 7:46 PM on June 10, 2009 [1 favorite]

My brothers and I aren't as clearly defined in our interests as you & your husband are, but our interests do lean in the same opposing ways. We found "Zack & Wiki" really fun and became quite addicted. It's unfortunately one player, but you'll definitely want others' input/help in figuring the game out as you go along. The downside is that a handful of the levels are more trial & error than puzzle, but other than that, highly recommended!

We're trying Lego Star Wars next, much to my brothers' dismay. Apparently his college friends (all hardcore gamers) got quite addicted in spite of themselves, and I've only read good things about it.
posted by mittenedsex at 7:47 PM on June 10, 2009

If you think you might like a console version of a well-loved board game, you can download Carcasonne for the Xbox 360. I wouldn't call it a puzzle game, but there is a combination of luck and strategy involved. My wife and I have had lots of fun playing that.
posted by Joey Bagels at 7:51 PM on June 10, 2009

Seconding Lego Star Wars - great cooperative fun.

Also, I'd really recommend Trauma Center: New Blood for the Wii. You get to work in co-op mode to perform surgeries. The game starts out somewhat easy and then ramps up the difficulty significantly, to the point that completing any of the later surgeries successfully is a real bonding experience. The game isn't really gory, at least in my opinion - it's mostly cartoony in nature.
posted by sherlockt at 8:11 PM on June 10, 2009

I am going to second Ponzimoon's suggestions of boardgames, I love them and they are more "together" activities then just staring at the same screen.

I play hard core strategy games, MMOs etc, sound pretty close to your husband. And people (usually women in my experience) who like "thematic puzzles", like yourself, love boardgames and are very good at them.

If you want cooperative games Try Pandemic, or many others.
posted by DetonatedManiac at 8:21 PM on June 10, 2009

Puzzle Pirates! Appropriate for any type of playstyle, alone or in combination. Plenty of opportunities for collaboration. Cute as a button.

I was a complete non-gamer when I began playing, and I had so much fun meeting people (and then getting to know them IRL!) and coming up with fun ways to take advantage of the game. My SO was much more of a hardcore gamer, so he really got into the strategy of flag politics and PvP. Both of us were experts at the so-called "social puzzle."

Check it out!
posted by Madamina at 8:39 PM on June 10, 2009

Try the demo of Castle Crashers on Xbox360. It might be a bit repetitive/bashy for you, but with a free demo it's probably worth a trial (and being able to choose what attributes of the character to level up should appeal to him).

Strongly seconding the Lego Star Wars games. And "New Super Mario Bros. Wii" (announced at the recent E3) sounds like something you'd enjoy (it has simultaneous co-op), but that's a ways off from release.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time on Wii might appeal to you, but I've been having difficulty finding information on what the single-system multiplayer is like.
posted by NMcCoy at 8:52 PM on June 10, 2009

nthing Rock Band. You actually do build up your band (get better groupies, transportation, managers, venues, etc) and can customize your character. Then you go along a very loose story of becoming more popular. It's really fun and it's enjoyable for all types of gamers and non-gamers.
posted by simplethings at 8:54 PM on June 10, 2009

Seconding Boom Blox & adding the sequel Boom Blox Bash Party.
posted by redbed at 9:03 PM on June 10, 2009

1) Bust out the PS2 and get Champions of Norrath. Partner and I played that for MONTHS. Build up characters, realtime hack and slash (none of this turn-based crap), great graphics.

2) Have a look at Sacred II - Fallen Angel. Closest thing I could find on the 360 to CoN.

Too Human could have been awesome, if it supported local co-op multiplayer. Games of that genre are as rare as hen's teeth on the 360 unless they're first-person shooters that force you to use a disconcerting split-screen view where you have to try your best not to sneak glances at your buddy's screen half.

I veto the Lego stuff, unless you're five. Overhyped.
posted by cyniczny at 12:30 AM on June 11, 2009

Zelda: Twilight Princess (for Wii) was an amazing game my boyfriend and I played together. It's not really a 2-player game, of course, but we had all kinds of fun either just sitting together while one of us actually played - because there are lots of puzzles to figure out and moves to learn and places to go and extras to discover - but we also had a blast when one of us used the "nunchuck" and the other of us used the "remote". Now THAT is some quality entertainment. It's not nearly as hard as it sounds and it was extra fun on top of a really good game.
posted by Cygnet at 6:49 AM on June 11, 2009

Response by poster: Awesome guys! Thanks for giving me a bunch of games to check out. I actually haven't heard of quite a few of these. Honestly, I think the type of game that we're looking for would appeal to a lot of other couples/players as well, and the industry simply isn't producing enough games that more than one person can play without constantly kicking someone's virtual ass. It seems like a giant hole in the market. Thanks again.
posted by theantikitty at 8:12 AM on June 11, 2009

TO repeat some of the sentiments above:

Boom Blox is a must and can be bought for around $30 now (the sequel is around the corner and likely to be even better).

Zack & Wiki is also a budget title, and while technically one-player, it's a puzzle game that could use all the brain power in the room. After I beat it, I looked forward to forgetting the solutions so that I could play it again. A sequel does not look promising.
posted by yeti at 8:51 AM on June 11, 2009

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