Who makes those Livestrong bracelets?
November 21, 2004 5:17 PM   Subscribe

I'm looking for a supplier to provide bracelets like the rubber-like LIVESTRONG wrist bands produced by Lance Armstrong's cancer foundation. Not having any luck. Any suggestions?
posted by lometogo to Shopping (3 answers total)
I was just talking to my buddy who works at Amplifier the other evening, and he mentioned that they do all the sales and distribution and whatnot for the LAF wrist bands. I'm sure that if you contacted them, they'd be able to point you in the right direction.
posted by majcher at 5:45 PM on November 21, 2004

Try http://www.customsiliconebracelets.com/
posted by mokujin at 6:08 PM on November 21, 2004

Well, I'm not 100% sure that they does rubber bracelets but my cousin runs a promotional items company that can most often put whatever you want on anything you want. They offer more than decent prices, esp. if you need some quantity. Here's their website: BAMKO
posted by rooftop secrets at 11:05 PM on November 21, 2004

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