What are some creative ways that I can make a living as a piano player and music technologist
March 20, 2009 4:15 PM   Subscribe

What are some creative ways that I can make a living as a piano player and music technologist.

For the third summer in a row, I find myself looking for a job. I am tired of working jobs where I am somewhat experienced, somewhat educated and somewhat qualified. My most fulfilling work was when I spent 9 years as a teacher's aide in a highly successful choir department. I played challenging piano music, did MIDI arrangements of broadway musicals, and recorded, mixed and mastered 9 classical choral and vocal jazz CD's. Unfortunately, aides don't make much and don't ever get pay raises.

I am currently teaching piano lessons, and am paid to play the piano at a church. I'm promoting myself to play for weddings this summer. If I had the recording equipment, I would go out selling CD projects to high school bands and choirs, but I don't have the money yet to purchase the equipment.

I've read the books 4 hour work week and Career Renegades and these have given me some good ideas. But I thought I'd see what ideas the hive mind might have for some additional creative ways to make money with my music. Thanks.
posted by doppler68 to Work & Money (3 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Commercial music. Music for the Powerpoints at corporate events.
posted by rhizome at 5:07 PM on March 20, 2009

Are you anywhere near a large or middle sized university or college? I ask because my oldest son is a doctoral candidate in music composition, and his area of concentration is in New Music.

He often has a hard time finding musicians who can actually play his complex, frequently atonal compositions. On occasion he has to pay his performers. I'm not sure whether that money is bankrolled through his university or his personal funds. I'm guessing through the university since they're (thankfully) paying for everything else.

All I can tell you is that for better or worse it's a "creative way"to play compared to what you say you have been doing.
posted by imjustsaying at 5:19 PM on March 20, 2009

Our friend has "gigs" at senior citizen homes. With your work comprising church, choir, Broadway musical and jazz elements, you'd likely be great at something like this. If you contact Jake, he might be willing to explain how he's got this work set up, though you can learn a bit about it "here".
posted by peagood at 5:44 PM on March 20, 2009

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