Looking for an iPhone app to record when something happened and tag it.
March 16, 2009 1:27 PM   Subscribe

Looking for an iPhone app to record when something happened and tag it.

It needs to auto-complete or let me copy existing records so I don't have to type the same thing over and over. It would be extra cool if I could schedule some things to happen, and others just record that they did happen. I'd like to be able to sort the records using a category or tag.

Example: I need to record every time my dog goes potty, and schedule that she needs medicine 2x a day.

posted by jesirose to Technology (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
posted by neuron at 4:40 PM on March 16, 2009

Things comes close.
posted by awesomebrad at 5:17 PM on March 16, 2009

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