Can I get internet connection at Disneyland Paris?
March 14, 2009 2:36 PM   Subscribe

Anyone have first hand info about wireless internet availability at Disneyland Paris?

So, I haven't managed to offload all work commitments ahead of spending a few days with my kids at the Paris Eurodisney park. Wikipedia claims that internet access is only available in a few expensive hotels (and I suspect not in the form of a wireless connection). We are not staying in any of those hotels. :)

I do have a mobile broadband pay as you go service from 3 (in the UK), but as data fees for international roaming are eye-wateringly expensive I would prefer not to use it, and I'm worried about relying on it as literally the only means available to me of fulfilling an important work commitment.

For background: the work I need to do must be done from my laptop, and involves no more than 10 - 15 mins of lightweight browser use each day, followed by an outgoing email. Not an option to do it via smartphone or other method.

Despite what Wikipedia says. I'm finding it almost inconceivable that there isn't a coffee chain or similar at the park that offers a wireless internet connection - even if you have to pay to connect. Does anyone have any recent first-hand info about other options?
posted by bifter to Travel & Transportation around Paris, France (3 answers total)
DLRP Review says that free WiFi is available throughout the Disney Village area of the resort, but my SO was unable to find any hotspots with her smartphone when we were there last Autumn.
posted by macdara at 3:56 PM on March 14, 2009

Best answer: Scratch that -- I should have specified the McDonald's in the Disney Village. But there was no connection available for us on the promenade outside, so if it is working, their WiFi radius must be very narrow.
posted by macdara at 3:59 PM on March 14, 2009

Response by poster: Yep, got online at McDonald's - thanks.
posted by bifter at 7:08 AM on March 26, 2009

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