Google browser sync finally dead?
January 6, 2009 3:19 PM   Subscribe

Does anyone know if Google Browser Sync has finally been 'retired'? I know that the add-on hasn't been available for download since mid-2008. Google indicated that they'd continue to make the facility available throughout 2008. When connecting this morning, I got a '502: Bad Gateway' alert, indicating that an error had occurred and suggesting 'try again later'. I'm aware of alternative solutions, thanks; I just want to know if there's any official word to indicate that Google has withdrawn the service, in which case I'll migrate to Foxmarks or Mozilla Weave. So far I haven't been able to confirm my suspicions, so I thought I'd wave to the MeFite community for assistance.
posted by davemack to Computers & Internet (5 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Especially annoying because nothing now syncs extensions.
posted by katrielalex at 4:54 PM on January 6, 2009

Response by poster: puckupdate: thanks, I was aware of that (in fact I tend to rely on Lifehacker for such information), so I know I was on 'borrowed time'; the Google browser sync service was working normally yesterday (5 January), but today all I've been getting is the error message, suggesting, perhaps, that they've shut off access to the server that holds our/my information -- however, as far as I can tell, there has been no official announcement that this is what has happened.
posted by davemack at 5:27 PM on January 6, 2009

Best answer: Just a thumbs up for Foxmarks.. I've been using them for a few weeks and it works WAY better than Google sync ever did.
posted by cowmix at 7:59 PM on January 6, 2009

Note about Weave: unless you plan to set up your own service, weave is in closed beta.
posted by pwnguin at 3:06 AM on January 7, 2009

Response by poster: many thanks for the responses; I've migrated to Foxmarks, as I should have done before the end of 2008, and am very impressed.
posted by davemack at 4:36 AM on January 7, 2009

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