What can I expect from my seat filler experience at the Critics' Choice Awards this week?
January 5, 2009 9:27 AM   Subscribe

What can I expect from my seat filler experience at the Critics' Choice Awards this week?

On a whim I applied to be a seat filler with Seatfiller.com, and they chose me to come to the Critics' Choice Awards on Thursday in Santa Monica. I'm driving down to LA the night before and staying with a friend, and beyond that (and the rules I have to follow) I have absolutely no idea what to expect. Have you or anyone you know ever done this before? Any tips, tricks or suggestions?
posted by easy_being_green to Society & Culture (2 answers total)
My brother seat-filled at many of the award shows and by virtue of a nice suit ended up in the first few rows a number of times, including at the American Music Awards where he had Brittany on his left and Tim McGraw and Faith Hill on his right.

His advice is to dress nicely and look sharp in whatever you choose to wear. The more you look like you fit in with the invited crowd the more likely you are to be chosen to sit in better seats.

Also, you'll probably have to get there pretty early, so be prepared to wait a while.
posted by langeNU at 10:42 AM on January 5, 2009

(For some reason I can't open your link, so I can't read the rules you've been sent to see if any of my suggestions are on there -- sorry.)

I've done this before -- it's kind of a hoot, and kind of stressful. The main things I learned:

- bring a few snacks (granola bars, dried fruit, etc.) and a small bottle of water in case they don't feed you guys.

- bring a book (a small paperback you can easily tuck away is ideal) for all those hurry-up-and-wait times.

- don't get too engrossed in the show or celebrity-watching that you miss what you're supposed to be doing. You have to be alert and ready to seat-hop at a moment's notice.

- there's a weird thing about being surrounded by multiple celebrities: you know who they all are, they all know each other, and yet none of them know you. So I found that there was this weird sort of false familiarity that I had to watch out for -- like "hey, there's Jason Bateman! And he's coming this way! And he's waving at me--er, Michelle Pfeiffer. Oh."
posted by scody at 10:56 AM on January 5, 2009 [1 favorite]

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