URL repeating, repeating URL
December 3, 2008 10:48 PM   Subscribe

Why is the url on my blog showing up twice in the address bar?

I have a wordpress blog hosted on my own domain as "www.domain.com/blog."
When you enter that url it will load and then the url in the address bar will change to "http://domain.com/blog#http://www.domain.com/blog"

It does this for sub pages of the blog to, for example,


So my question is why is the url repeating itself in the address bar? I checked the wordpress settings and I don't see any way to set it this way. The other pages not on my blog don't do this domain.com/contact.html just stays the same.

Thanks and I hope this isn't to confusing.
posted by lilkeith07 to Computers & Internet (2 answers total)
Best answer: There's some JavaScript in the page that's modifying the URL, check the source code and included .js files for mentions of 'location'. I'm not sure why it'd do that, the only thing that comes to mind is the theme allows browsing/loading of content via AJAX and it's crudely keeping track of where you are to allow forward/back to work.
posted by malevolent at 12:33 AM on December 4, 2008

Definitely JavaScript. I went to your site with JavaScript turned off and things were fine.
posted by sbutler at 12:38 AM on December 4, 2008

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