Finding an odd French-made incense.
November 24, 2008 10:54 AM   Subscribe

Essence of Color French Incense; ever heard of it?

My fiancée years ago found and loved an incense made by a French company from Provence with the name of Essence of Color, specifically the type called 'Tea'. We can't seem to find it anywhere now. Google searches produce nothing. You can't order off of the company website or any of the US based distributors. Any information would be great.
posted by ZaneJ. to Home & Garden (1 answer total)
Response by poster: This is the terre d'Oc brand line. I wasn't totally sure of the brand line due to the way to packaging was on the incense container.

For reference, I live in the northwestern portion of the United States. Having a continental source for this would be better fiscally than shipping from England, but if buying in bulk would make the purchase more feasible then I'd be all for it.
posted by ZaneJ. at 12:47 AM on November 25, 2008

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