therapists after hours
October 29, 2008 11:17 AM   Subscribe

How do I find a therapist who will see me after work hours?

I'm in need of a therapist but am having trouble finding any that are around after-hours in my area. Are there resources I should be tapping into that could assist in this kind of targeted search?

I've generally been getting no response from those I've tried to contact. Therapists who have gotten back to me do not do after hour visits. I live in MA and have health insurance.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
posted by anonymous to Health & Fitness (6 answers total)
I can't speak to MA, but in CA there are plenty of therapists willing to work with people after hours. Honestly, it really depends on what kind of insurance you have. Several friends who are therapists would be entirely willing to come early or late for cash patients (one of my friends has two 8:00 am appointments, another schedules until 8 p.m.) but if you are on an insurance plan that is very restrictive (requiring a lot of paperwork, etc) or only pays the therapist a pittance, they are less likely to want to go out of their way.
posted by stewiethegreat at 11:30 AM on October 29, 2008

Where in MA are you? If it's near Cambridge, I have a therapist who sees patients on Saturdays. I believe she also sees patients in Pepperell. Send me Mefi mail if you want details.
posted by cider at 12:33 PM on October 29, 2008

i called 43 shrinks before i found one that returned my call AND had extended hours. you just have to be persistent in calling/emailing.
posted by misanthropicsarah at 12:45 PM on October 29, 2008

Depending on what insurance you have, you may be able to use your insurance website to find them. For example, the "Find A Doctor" function on the Blue Cross MA website provides a fair amount of information on therapists - including whether they offer evening or weekend hours. Note that therapists and doctors have to voluntarily submit this information though, so some doctors without those hours listed are still fairly flexible.
posted by ubersturm at 1:34 PM on October 29, 2008

You might just have to call every therapist you can find (phone book, online, etc).

Other than that, is the fairly obvious but easily forgotten - every time you actually get through to someone, when they tell you they don't do after hours, ask them if they know anyone who does or if there is anyone, any organisation, or any resource.
When you call that next resource, say that *blah* person recommended them. People are more inclined to help, give you a favour etc, if they think/know you mention you were referred to them and by who.
posted by Elysum at 3:15 PM on October 29, 2008

I am in Cambridge, MA and had success at finding an after-hours therapist using the Social Work Therapy Referral Service. They serve all of Massachusetts, and they are free. Call them and leave a message with all the details of what you need (including your insurance plan, availability, location, what type of therapy you're seeking, etc.) and they will call you with the names of therapists who meet your criteria and are taking new patients.

I went through about 4 names (they give you two at a time) before finding one that had availability at the times I needed. But I had spoken to many more from my insurance company's website and Psychology Today without any luck. (And had left even more unreturned voicemails.) It was nice to have the SWTRS helping me out; they were helping me make the best use of my time by narrowing it down to the most likely therapists who could work with me, and they will keep working with you until you find someone.

I would also be happy to give you the name of the therapist I am currently seeing if you mefiMail me.

Good luck! There is one out there, just keep trying. :)
posted by inatizzy at 3:17 PM on October 29, 2008

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