A poster of a door?
October 25, 2008 1:31 PM   Subscribe

I'm trying to find posters of architectural elements of rooms...

So my google-fu is pretty much worthless when it comes to this one -- I'm trying to find posters of architectural elements of rooms... like of doors and corners, etc. that would make a room look bigger via some kind of optical illusion... know what I mean? Like a poster that would make it look as though the room went another few feet deeper, or that it had a balcony or window or door to some other room where the poster is. Do you guys have any ideas where I could find such a thing? I'm pretty sure that I've seen something like this before, I'm just at a loss!
posted by ThomThomThomThom to Home & Garden (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
if you are looking for art that references rooms, I'd suggest a series of images by hirsoshi sugimoto that specifically deals with light and shadow in corners. if you are trying to trick people, I'm very nearly convinced that this is going to be a bit more complicated. I'd suspect you'd need the measurements of the wall in order to produce a seamless print. given a bit of talent and the right camera you should be able to produce an interesting image but I'm skeptical a preproduced shot that couldn't take into the account of your actual living situation (aka the light, kind of color on walls, all those details) could really pull it off.
posted by krautland at 5:42 PM on October 25, 2008

Best answer: Do you mean tromp l'oeil? It's usually a painted mural, but here's a place that sells posters in that style.
posted by slowfasthazel at 6:11 PM on October 25, 2008

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