Where should I run in Omaha?
October 1, 2008 6:08 AM   Subscribe

Omaha Running Filter: I'll be in Omaha on business next week for my first visit. I'm training for a half-marathon and would like recommendations for a 3-5 mile run originating in the downtown area. Bonus points for a course that takes me into Council Bluffs.

This question was very helpful for my more general questions about activities for any leisure time I might have, but I'm curious specifically about running.

Pertinent details include the following:

- I'll be in Omaha next Monday and Tuesday.

- My race will be the Saturday following the trip.

- I will be staying in one of the hotels in the Old Market area.

- I'd like to run either Monday or Tuesday for 3-5 miles at a gentle pace.

- I'll likely be running in the early morning (before 6:00 am), as I'll be on East Coast time and that's when I usually run; if that presents safety or logistical issues, please let me know. I'm used to running in a good-sized city in semi- or complete darkness, but I'm willing to amend my schedule if necessary.

- At the risk of sounding a little weird, I'd like to run in Council Bluffs. My wife and I are trying to visit all 50 states. By her rules (which I have agreed to follow), one must set foot in a given state for that state to count. Airports don't count. Therefore, I won't be getting credit from her for going to Michigan for my layover in the Detroit airport en route to Omaha , but I would like to get credit for visiting Iowa as long as I'm in Omaha, so any course that would take me into Council Bluffs would be particularly welcome. If that too presents safety or logistical challenges, I'll certainly get to Council Bluffs by some other method during my trip.

Many thanks!
posted by cheapskatebay to Travel & Transportation around Omaha, NE (3 answers total)
Have you checked out mapmyrun.com?

This run looks perfect for you.

(though I have never been to Omaha... so I can't attest to its quality)
posted by TheOtherGuy at 7:30 AM on October 1, 2008

If you are looking to just set foot in Iowa all you need to do is watch signs between the airport and your hotel and pull over, the road the airport is on passes through Carter Lake which is in Iowa. I can't say anything specific about the run but i know there are trails around midtown called keystone or trails down by the river and the new pedestrian bridge.
posted by DJWeezy at 7:38 AM on October 1, 2008

Hey, I'm from Omaha. Cool.

There's a brand-new pedestrian bridge across the Missouri river that opened, I kid you not, three days ago. So I'll suggest a route that takes you over the bridge.

The best way to access the bridge is the riverfront trail. It's just east of your hotel and is visually interesting, if that matters - it's an area undergoing redevelopment, so lots of construction and empty lots and brand-new stuff all mixed together by the Missouri. Here's a map. The bridge isn't on the map yet, but it's just east of the Qwest center.

I imagine you're staying in the Embassy, Hilton, or Courtyard? If so, you can access the trail easiest through Heartland of America Park, also known as ConAgra headquarters, which is a nice park to run through itself. It's got a massive fountain. The bridge is north from Heartland of America Park.

Once you cross the bridge, you can head either north or south on the Iowa Riverfront Trail. Here's a map and here's another.

I'm not really sure how long this route would be. The bridge itself is 3000 feet, so by the time you cross it you might be ready to head back - I'm not sure. If you make it back to the Old Market and still have energy, a run around Gene Leahy Mall would be nice also. That's probably three-quarters of a mile.

As for safety and logistics - at times you might lose the trail, or have to run on a road, but that's probably not too big a deal. It's hard to miss the Qwest Center or the bridge. You're running through an urban downtown area, so typical safety issues will be present. If you stay in the riverfront area you should be fine, but most Omaha folks would recommend against running south from the Old Market, or going north towards the Lake Street area. But again, the Heartland of America / Riverfront / Pedestrian bridge / Gene Leahy Mall route keeps you out of those areas.

I love being an ambassador to Omaha, so if you have any other questions, respond in-thread or find my email in my profile. Enjoy the city!
posted by Sfving at 11:51 AM on October 1, 2008

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