Freezers looking for space in San Diego?
September 9, 2008 2:40 PM   Subscribe

Secure warehouse space, with generator, in San Diego?

Hi fellow metas,
Is there anyone here in the community that can assist me in locating warehouse space with generator in the San Diego area? We are looking to store ~twenty freezers with two compressors each for a six month period while their dedicated space is getting ready.

OR for the greater question, how do I store twenty freezers with no home. I am thinking that I can make an arrangement with a local property manager who has a suitable space available between tenants...

Contacts, alternative resolutions, or recommended paths to follow accepted and appreciated. Let me know if you all need additional details.
posted by strangelove to Work & Money (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Well im not sure of the size of your freezers or how many kW they will draw, but this may be tough to find such a space. I would recommend finding a secure space which will allow you to place a rented generator outside.

I am also not sure what is in your freezer but maybe cold storage is an option.
posted by ihadapony at 5:49 PM on September 9, 2008

I think that you'll find it easier to break this into two separate problems:

1. Cold storage for the stuff in the freezers (where the 'cold' is guaranteed by generators).
2. Secure but unpowered storage for the freezers themselves.

Finding a place to store a bunch of freezers, plugged in and running, with generator backup seems like a difficult proposition. Not saying that it's impossible, but that strikes me as sort of a unique challenge, at least compared to looking for cold storage and some basic dry warehouse space.

Since San Diego is a fairly major port, that would be where I'd at least start looking for cold storage space, if this were my problem. (And lo and behold, it's one of the first results on the Goog for "san diego cold storage". Apparently they have a pretty good-sized warehouse.)

I've only had to go looking for warehouse space once, and I gave up pretty quickly on finding space that was powered; it seemed to be a lot more expensive and hard to find than unpowered space. I can only imagine that space with a generator would be even more difficult. If you really need to go that route I think you're right to ask management companies about properties between tenants.

Anyway, separating the contents from the freezers (if that's an option) is definitely the route I'd investigate if this problem got dropped on my desk tomorrow.

Good luck!
posted by Kadin2048 at 7:25 PM on September 9, 2008

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