Neue Deutsche Welle song identification
August 17, 2008 1:42 PM

Any Neue Deutsche Welle experts around? I recently came across an old cassette (probably from '82 or '83) with a bunch of Neue Deutsche Welle songs on it. It could be a homemade mix-tape, or it could be a copy of an officially released compilation. I've been able to tentatively identify about half of the songs, but haven't had any luck with the others. Anyone want to take a crack at them? The first side of the tape is posted here, and the second side (with mostly unidentified songs) is posted here. Thanks!

note: muxtape seems slightly borked at the moment, so you might need to refresh a couple of times to see all the tracks. Each side should have 8 tracks.
posted by nixxon to Media & Arts (3 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Track 4 (first side) is Cat's TV "Killerautomat".

Your tape seems to be a copy of the compilation "Alles für zuhause (Die Neue Deutsche Welle)" (1982, POLYSTAR/Deutsche Grammophon 2475 560).
posted by iviken at 2:11 PM on August 17, 2008

Thanks iviken, that was quick!
posted by nixxon at 3:07 PM on August 17, 2008

You're welcome.
posted by iviken at 3:11 PM on August 17, 2008

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