Where to buy a roadtrip bag in L.A.?
August 16, 2008 9:26 PM   Subscribe

Where can I buy a cool piece of luggage in Los Angeles tomorrow (Sunday)?

Looking for more of a bag than a solid suitcase. Big enough to throw a few days clothes and other junk in for the roadtrip I'm leaving on Monday morning.

Lame terms though they may be, "indie" and "hipster" kind of sum up my style. I'd prefer something more vintage/cool and less corporate/plain black or brown looking.

Would be nice if it would last a while. Eastside is better than westside, but I'm willing to drive. Price is not an object, within reason. Prompt responses are appreciated. Thanks!
posted by drjimmy11 to Shopping (4 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Flight 001? More here. There's one on 3rd Street between Crescent Heights and La Cienega.

And it might be more granola than hipster, but you can't go wrong with REI - they have stores in Santa Monica and Arcadia.
posted by chez shoes at 10:06 PM on August 16, 2008

The Patagonia MLC (maximum legal carryon) is a great durable, stylish, and well designed travel bag that has come in really handy for short trips. There's a store on Main Street in Santa Monica. They also have a variety of other good travel bags. Patagonia stands behind all of its products for life.
posted by hindmost at 10:07 PM on August 16, 2008

I am not quite sure if this is your thing, but I got an awesome Fred Perry flight bag (I am a light packer) from Posers on Melrose. I would even try checking out the Gym Bags from American Apparel.
posted by thesiameseffect at 11:59 PM on August 16, 2008

why not Marc by Marc Jacobs on Melrose?
posted by matteo at 12:11 PM on August 17, 2008

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