Online resource for algorithms and formulas for typical 3d programming problems?
September 3, 2004 10:41 PM

I am working on a project involving some 3d programming (in AutoLisp), and have managed to muddle through with what I remember of university geometry. I run into basic geometry problems (i.a.: find the 3d point where 2 lines intersect, given only the start points, angles and slope of the lines) which I manage to laboriously and clumsily solve. I'm sure most of these problems have 'canonical' solutions, worked out by graphic programmers. Is there any online resource for algorithms and formulas for typical 3d programming problems?
A good, simple explanation of the theory (and application in 3d graphics) of transformation matrixes would be nice, too.
posted by signal to Computers & Internet (6 answers total)
For your basic, convenient, reference on Graphics, look at Graphics Gems. For programmers, by programmers.
posted by plinth at 3:39 AM on September 4, 2004

Fantastic resource, thanks.
posted by signal at 7:55 AM on September 4, 2004

Paul Bourke has some good stuff too.
posted by tss at 8:22 AM on September 4, 2004

Sometimes it's easier to think of these points as vectors and solve them as such, if you're familiar with them.
posted by golo at 12:22 PM on September 4, 2004

I don't know of any good online resources, but you might want to check out or to see if they have anything a propos. If you're looking for books (either to borrow from your local library or buy), Foley and Van Dam's Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice is the canonical text on the subject. The matrix stuff should be in any linear algebra book. Maybe mathworld has something useful.
posted by electro at 2:40 PM on September 4, 2004

electro: alas, there are no decent public libraries in Chile. I'll keep it in mind in case I have any Amazon money in the future.
golo: that simple observation actually solved a lot of my problems. It's quite easy to write vector-arithmetic functions and use those.
posted by signal at 4:40 PM on September 4, 2004

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