Windows Taskbar: Multiple row management madness!
August 3, 2008 6:20 PM   Subscribe

Windows Taskbar: Multiple row management madness!

I've gotten this to work once, but never again (on XP) and it is driving me mad!

Here is the layout I want on my double-row taskbar.

Quickview______________|______Tasks_____|System tray
My computer | net folder_|______Tasks_____|System tray

As you can see, I want to put one toolbar over another while maintaining the double rows of tasks. I'm on Vista now, but it is acting similar enough to XP that I think it would be the same method. From what I remember, I had to actually expand the taskbar to 3 rows and then size it down to 2 rows to make this work.

Any guidance would cure my insanity! A video would even better!
posted by colecovizion to Computers & Internet (2 answers total)
OK, heres how I just did it on XP (assuming quicklaunch already showing) :

1. Make toolbar double height.
2. right click 'tasks' area and select toolbars/new toolbar.
3. Select My computer and hit OK
4. Drag newly created 'my computer' area down and left, then right click and uncheck show title/text as desired.
5. repeat 3 & 4 for network places.
6. erm... thats it really!
posted by xla76 at 11:38 AM on August 4, 2008

Response by poster: Thanks xla76. I gave your directions a try and wasn't successful. It likes going into 2 rows for the whole taskbar.
posted by colecovizion at 2:29 PM on August 4, 2008

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