dearie me
August 2, 2008 5:03 AM   Subscribe

Anyone know the contact details for obey clothing ? something looks familiar.
posted by sgt.serenity to Law & Government (9 answers total)
Response by poster: I know there's a web addy - but i might just want to have a wee chat with them.
posted by sgt.serenity at 5:05 AM on August 2, 2008

It can't possibly be this easy can it?
posted by Fuzzy Skinner at 5:32 AM on August 2, 2008

I think sgt.serenity is looking for a phone number.
posted by martinX's bellbottoms at 6:06 AM on August 2, 2008

Best answer: Obey

2313 S Susan St

Santa Ana, CA 92704-4420

(714) 429-1595
posted by lee at 6:10 AM on August 2, 2008

Best answer: (714) 429-1595 (Local Santa Ana, CA number, unsure if its the headquarters but its a start)
posted by Asherah at 6:11 AM on August 2, 2008

Best answer: Info from their WHOIS:

Administrative Contact :
Obey Giant Art, Inc.
3780 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90010
Phone: 213-383-9299 x.11
posted by limon at 10:11 AM on August 2, 2008

Response by poster: If you don't get it, please don't comment - I use the name for things outside mefi too - and various parts of my work have been referenced using that name ( you can google it yourselves )- so it raises issues for me and some of the work I do or work that is in progress - you could whois the domain name as well if you're really that interested.

What i would like to do is talk to the chaps involved and see whats what - I'm really not able to say a whole lot more than that at the moment.
posted by sgt.serenity at 1:08 PM on August 2, 2008

Best answer: Ah yes, Shepard Fairey is notorious for plagiarism. So you might want to take a number and wait your turn.
posted by idiotfactory at 2:11 PM on August 2, 2008

"If you don't get it, please don't comment".

If you didn't want the zealously-deleted comments to which you refer, leave out cryptic details like, "something looks familiar", entirely. Alternatively: provide some context, in order to make them less cryptic.

Just a thought.
posted by astrochimp at 6:57 PM on August 2, 2008

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