What other programs besides Muvee auto producer match video to the beat of the music automatically?
July 27, 2008 11:16 AM

What other programs besides Muvee auto producer match video to the beat of the music automatically? (I realize premiere/vegas/ffc do this manually but I am specifically looking for an auto program)

I am looking for a program like Muvee autoproducer that will take still images and synch them to the beat of the song.
posted by bostonhill to Computers & Internet (4 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
(Platform: PC/VISTA)
posted by bostonhill at 11:22 AM on July 27, 2008

I recommend Animoto. I've used this with great success making videos with stills matched to music. You can upload your own or use their music. (fwiw, if you sign up for an account, you can use my referral code if you'd like -- qwgxijuz).
posted by noahv at 11:38 AM on July 27, 2008

Resolume 3 is looking pretty awesome...
posted by benzo8 at 11:38 AM on July 27, 2008

I just bought the newest Muvee product, called "Muvee Reveal", and sad to say, it crashes as much as the older Muvee Autoproducer. Once upon a time, my 5 year old Vaio ran Muvee wonderfully, and I could make muvees of over an hour in length.

Now, however, I have a Vista PC, with 4 gigs of RAM, and it is a dual-core PC, yet I can't keep Muvee from crashing. But I love the program so much that I assumed the new Muvee Reveal would be immune from those annoying crashes. I was wrong! I guess I wish my old Vaio was still around!

Anyway, I am eager to find out what you discover in your search for a similar program.

In the meantime, I HIGHLY recommend a program called "Memories on TV". It doesn't fit pics to the beat of the music, as you need, but it allows you to do a lot of customization easily. It's worth playing with, at least

The product is available at http://www.codejam.com/slideshow/index.htm
posted by newfers at 5:07 PM on July 27, 2008

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