Help me pay for nursing school
July 1, 2008 12:59 PM   Subscribe

Scholarships for nursing students?

I’m starting nursing school at a small community college. Their financial aid department bites – they have zero information about scholarships beyond the Pell Grant/Cal Grant and they won’t even talk to me about loans until August (when I’m starting school). I’ve been trying to research scholarships on my own and have found a couple, but not the dozens that I imagined when everyone told me that there was lots of help available for nursing students. I know the basics: fastweb, google, and I've looked through some askme scholarship threads, but with no help from my school financial aid department, I’m floundering a bit.

I know I’m late to apply for many awards (the program didn’t tell me I was accepted until May, a couple months after most scholarship deadlines passed) but I would love any suggestions for nursing related scholarships, grants, loan-forgiveness, etc. I’ve applied for this one: but haven’t found others.

If it helps, I’m also an “older” student and a single parent.
posted by serazin to Work & Money (6 answers total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
Are there any hospitals in the area that sponsor students? I had several friends in college (in South Dakota) that got substantial assistance from two area (private) hospitals. After they completed their degrees, they had to work at the hospital for X years to "pay back" the scholarship. If they ended up moving, they only had to pay back what they had not worked off. Seemed like a pretty great deal, especially if you are established in the area and planning to stick around after graduating. Good luck!
posted by sararah at 2:12 PM on July 1, 2008

The National League for Nursing has some information/links here.
posted by DiscourseMarker at 2:27 PM on July 1, 2008

Discover Nursing
posted by caddis at 2:31 PM on July 1, 2008

I am not YOUR former nursing librarian...OK, actually I totally am.

First, general stuff: Have you filled out the FAFSA? You don't need cooperation from your school to do that.

Second, nursing stuff. (Some very obscure, like nursing scholarships for grandchildren of Legionnaires from Montana...really!)

The National Student Nurses' Association (the student arm of the ANA) (Not for this upcoming term, I think, but maybe for the 2009 school year)

Here's an article from Peterson's on paying for nursing school:

If you search on there are some anecdotal posts about how people swung nursing school and single parenting.
posted by chesty_a_arthur at 2:37 PM on July 1, 2008

Many nursing schools start revealing scholarships after you've proved you can hack it. The attrition rate is fairly large for the first couple of terms/semesters. (I think it was around 25% in the first 6 months at my school.) Approximately 40-50% of the students were single parents, but there wasn't anything for those with just financial hardship. Every place is different, though.

If you can find a way to get started, it's not unlikely that you can qualify for help as you progress in your studies. I got a number of small scholarships and grants that helped with textbooks (EXPENSIVE!) and other costs. Most of us worked part time and went to school full time.
posted by reflecked at 4:24 PM on July 1, 2008

Response by poster: Thanks folks - I'll look into these resources tonight.
posted by serazin at 9:16 PM on July 1, 2008

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